Friday, April 14, 2006

The Sweating Season

It feels like summer here. I have started back my daily hikes like I did all last summer. I need to get my hiking legs back in shape and I have gained a few pounds over the winter as well. I donned my backpack and hiked several miles out spring road and then made a loop that brought me by my place of employment to buy a large bottle of Gatorade. I sat down on the bench in front of the store to rest next to Big S. The sweat was just pouring off of Big S’s brow. He would occasionally wipe it away with a rag. I have never seen a man sweat like he does.

“You be havin’ a smoke?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Can I be borrowing one?” Big S then asked.

“No,” I said bluntly and then proceeded to drink my Gatorade.

Droopy was standing up against the wall next to our bench and laughed at our little exchange. Big S told him to “shut the fuck up.” Big S probably makes more panhandling in a day than I do busting my ass wrapping produce all morning. I was not about to give him one of my precious and hard earned cigarettes. He can buy his own.

About this time, a middle-aged black lady came walking out of store carrying two bags of groceries.

“Excuse me miss,” Big S said in his most proper voice catching her by surprise. “You couldn’t spare some change for a cold drink on this hot day.”

She put one of her bags down on the ground and reached into her jeans pocket. She gave Big S four quarters.

“Thank you ma’am,” Big S said. “And God bless you.”

The lady walked away and got in her car and drove off.

“Big S, you are so full of shit,” I said. “There ain’t a religious bone in your body.”

”People be likin’ to hear that God bless you crap,” Big S replied as he smiled. “It makes dem feel good.”

I just shook my head and smiled at Big S’s total lack of ethics.

“Well, see ya fellas,” I said as I had finished my drink and was heading home.

“Keep it real,” Big S said.
Droopy just nodded the black man’s ghetto goodbye.

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