Saturday, June 17, 2006

Burning the Midnight Oil

Well, I pulled an all-nighter and didn’t sleep a wink last night. It has been a night of excess music, coffee and cigarettes. I can just now see the first glow of dawn beyond this computer monitor outside my window. The birds have begun to wake and call with earnestness. Rosie is lying on the floor beside me and snoring softly. She is smarter than I.

My eyelids are just now growing heavy and I think I will be soon to go to bed. That will probably mean no updates on the gang today. Saturday will be spent sleeping. This is going to completely fuck up my sleeping schedule. C’est la vie as they say.

I got an email yesterday morning from my brother in Iraq. He wrote that he will be home in September. He is an officer and physician in the Navy attached to a group of Marines. The emails from Iraq are carefully monitored and censored by the military so he couldn’t say much. He said he is tired of the drab brown landscape of Iraq and longs for the green countryside of the southern United States. I and my family will be glad when he steps foot back on American soil. It will have been seven months since he left. His wife and young daughter live in San Diego. He misses them deeply.

Well, let me go close my windows and back door and turn on the AC. It is supposed to be extremely hot today with temperatures in the high nineties. I went all last summer without using my air conditioner to save money and sweated my ass off. There is no worse feeling than waking up in sweaty, wet sheets on a hot and humid summer’s night. This summer I have decided not to be a cheap bastard and have been turning on the air at night. Good night….err….should I say good morning. Oh, I am so confused and delirious with lack of sleep and caffeine from copious amounts of coffee.

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