Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Evening Meanderings…

Yes, I know I have written a lot today and you are all probably tired of me doing so by now. I just felt like writing and have had a lot to write about.

I was pleased to read about Abbagirl cooking dinner tonight. I also cooked breakfast for dinner. Nothing as elaborate as Abbagirl’s meal though. Carolyn came over and I scrambled some eggs, fried some Clark Brother’s sausage, baked a pan of biscuits, and made a pot of grits. I didn’t add enough water to the grits and they got a little too firm, but still tasted good. It reminded me of porridge.

Carolyn is enamored with the whole Savannah trip. I am currently juggling my finances to make it possible. This week is going to be very lean money wise. No more after midnight coffees and burgers from Krystal’s. I leave for the beach on Friday and then Monday we will head for Savannah. It will only take around four or five hours to drive there. I just got off the phone with Charlie confirming our beach trip arrangements. I am tagging along with him and his son. Charlie and Randall have to take frequent bathroom visits which will correspond nicely with my smoking habit and the frequent need for cigarettes.

After dinner, Carolyn laid in my bed whining about having to go into work…

“I wish I didn’t have to work at all like you,” She told me.

I lay down on the bed next to her.

“Call in sick,” I replied.

“I can’t do that to Debra,” She said. “They will run her ragged. Besides, I need the money.”

We both lay in the bed as we held each other’s hands.

“Make love to me,” She said as she slowly undressed. “Give me something to remember tonight.”

We made love and lay in my darkened bedroom for the longest time. Carolyn is going on 46 years of age and I am 34. We are entirely too old to be acting like teenagers, but it feels good and “okay.” I love that we can act so uninhibited. I am finding the art of love making to be a much more amorous affair now that I am older and more experienced. I and Carolyn deft-fully explore each other’s bodies and genuinely want to make each other feel good. It is a stark change from my married days of love making with Rachel, my ex-wife.


Cheryl said...

Hi Jonathon,
I've never gotten tired of reading your posts. And, finding more than one posting at a time is like getting a present. You have been especially happy lately. I think that's wonderful.

abbagirl74 said...

Thanks for the line. However, I rarely get to cook this sort of meal with the busy schedule that I have. Full-time career job and being a full-time mom can be a handfull at times. But I love to take advantages of nights like tonight when I have the time. My son is definitely enjoying it. BTW, we made home-made double fudge brownies with chocolate icing. Yum!

Jonathon said...

Okay, the Hatfields and McCoys are coming over to eat ya'lls brownies. That sounds so delicious. I think I will drive up to Kroger and buy one of those mixes and bake it up.

SKQBDOO said...

Wew, steamy post. I'm glad you wrote so much today. It truly is like a present.

beard157 said...


You also did not introduce me after my arrival... if you are wanting to have everyone introduced that is.

If you would not mind, I would enjoy a gmail account invitation. I could likely use the storage space.


gregoire5 said...

46 and 34????

is it because i'm 42 myself... doesn't seem like a big deal to me!


and yes... funnny - but happy - thing! Lovemaking seems to become better with age... great piece of news I believe!(well, the right person may have something to do with the magic of it too...)

Have a great day,


austere said...

Glad for both of you.