Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Getting Ready to Paint…

I and Charlie farted around at my new house for a long time last night so I was gone for most of the evening. I had painted that house a long time ago, but Charlie decided the walls needed insulating and poked holes in them to blow in insulation between the studs. Now they need painting again after the sheet rock was patched. We looked at some paint swatches and I decided on this nice khaki/tan color for the interior walls. White is just too stark for me and that is what Charlie wanted to paint them so he bitched and moaned at my choice. He will probably continue to bitch and moan for weeks to come. That is his nature, but I am the one going to have to live in the house. I don’t want blindingly stark white walls.

Then Dad came by to look at my utility/laundry room when he got off of work. He was very pleased with the progress. I really owe my father a lot. I know I have bitched about him in the past and we do not get along very well, but he loves me. How many fathers would spend $33,000 paying off your mortgage for you? Having a house completely paid for makes the odds of me ever becoming homeless again almost nil. I will have a place to live that I own for the rest of my life unless I decide to move which I seriously doubt as I hate change.

I have absolutely nothing planned for today and am bored which is odd for me. I usually can always entertain myself. I think I am going down to the library to sit and read for hours exploring the shelves of books if my ex-wife is off today. I just couldn’t stand to have a run in with Rachel. She would be so surprised to see me though with the amount of weight I have lost this summer. From her pictures on her journal she has lost quite a bit of weight as well. I am happy for her. I just hate she dyed her hair jet black. It looks terrible and horrible.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I agree, white would be too stark. My new home has the walls painted in Moondust, which is really nice against the white architraves. Your choice sounds really nice.
No mortgage is a great thing. To own your own home is definately a weight off. Especially with rising interest rates over here (Australia).