Monday, May 28, 2007

Blogging Faux Pas

I broke one of my cardinal rules about blogging and that is never to write about religion or politics. They are just too polarizing. I apologize and will keep my views to myself. I don't feel this overwhelming need to share my views anyway. I just felt like writing this morning and the last post just poured out onto the page without much thought. I felt it was a well written post, but people seemed to be more interested in the religious aspects than the writing.

On a positive note, Google mailed my first check for the revenue from my blog advertisements. I was so excited that I walked over to tell my father immediately. He has been thinking I have been bullshitting him for weeks that I was actually making money on this journal. This check was $211 dollars and the next check will be well over $400. My hopes of being able to buy a new computer and digital camera are coming to fruition.

Well, my pimento cheese sandwiches are made along with some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. The cookies are still warm from the oven. I am now leaving to go pick up Rosa and to head over to the AA meeting hall for the first Tri-City mental health support group. Wish me luck!


Annabel said...

Don't fret over your posts. It's your blog and you're entitled to write what you want... but I know you have your own self-imposed rules. Just don't worry about it. You will probably always have those that negatively comment when you write of religion, but your true friends won't judge you for your beliefs.

Hope you have a good meeting!

2 LMZ FARMS said...

I agree with Annabel. You have the right to post whatever you want. It's not up to us to judge. There is only one judge and I promise you , it's not any of these who leave comments. Keep writting whatever you feel like you need to. The true friends will still come and read your post. Don't you want to move near me so you can cook for me?
Glad you are getting paid, can't wait till you start posting some pictures.
Have a good one.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Sending positive thoughts your way for an awesome initial group meeting. It's great that you're doing this!

Eric Valentine said...

I wish you good luck with your meeting tonight Andrew. You will do well and then Rosa is there to support you with a smile if you should momentarily falter, be strong.


Josie Two Shoes said...

It is ok to share what you believe about both politics and religion. Everyone has a right to their own opinions, and blogs are where we can state those. It's just important to be mindful of not putting down others who believe differently than us. AA by nature is religiously centered, so unless you can find a way to interpret that within your own framework, it might not be the best place for you. Still, for some it's a lifesaver.

justLacey said...

Excellent job generating all that extra cash. Can't wait until you get a new camera, I love your pictures.

VAfriend said...

I know I have clicked on some of the ads from time to time!! What a great little bonus!!
Don't forget that you promised Rosa a trip to the beach.

JT said...

I agree, you are definitely entitled to your own opinion. You were not at all nasty or cruel with your statements, simply matter-of-fact. Nothing wrong with that.

Red Robin. said...

Yay! Dosh, moolah, cold hard cash.

Enjoy spending it mate.

berg said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

b said...

I like your thoughts on religion and politics and don't think you overdo it at all. I don't think you can really tell the story of your AA meetings or your forming your own support group without mentioning religion.