Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Day of Rest

Sometimes they say less is more and that is going to be today's blog theme. I won't get into the gory details, but yesterday was one of the god-awfullest days with my alcoholism in a long time. All I could think of was having a drink or two or twenty. When I walked into those hallowed halls of A.A. last night, I felt as if two warring countries had decided to call a truce after a hundred year war. I was that tired and addiction weary.


Summer said...

I'm glad you made it through the war unscathed.

Moonlink said...

Talk with your therapist about your difficulty with your current meds. When you abruptly interupt your medications, your body is going to start objecting, and demanding that you do something. Over medication causes problems, and under medication causes problems.

Your therapist can't help if you are not honest about what is happening to you. Honesty is scary but it is the way to solve difficult dilemmas.

I remember when you were honest with Rosa about your feelings. It was so helpful for the both of you.
Honesty works.

Cheryl said...

I like what moonlink had to say. It seems like your meds have been 'out of whack' and that has to have a big effect on you. I'm just glad that you were strong enough to win this round. Like you said earlier, you only have to put one foot in front of the other for the time being.

I hope today is so much better.

Josie Two Shoes said...

I'm sorry you had such a hard day yesterday, Andrew. But very, very proud of you for getting yourself to AA last night. Deep down you know the right answers. I agree with Moonlink on the meds, I'd hate to see you start sliding away from all that you have accomplished for yourself. You are too smart for that!

julia said...

I just came across your blog by chance (I live in NYC). I want to wish you strength and I know today will be better. I also know it's a struggle, to say the least.

mosiacmind said...

I am glad that you got to a meeting. I can tell you with my meds being all messed up that I have been tempted to use lately myself....stay strong....keep in contact with people even though it is rough and you know I get it how rough it can be.......

Eric said...

I have never been in any situation like yours, so I can not honestly say, "I understand", but I do empathize. I will pray for you and am glad to see that you continue to move forward.

abbagirl74 said...

Yes, rest dear friend. I know there is a war raging inside of you. I hope it will get better with each day.

Cito Rodrigues said...

Nice to meet your blog and your will power. I know your blog just by chance.

Alcohol is the worst drug that i know.

I'm brazilian and here i see a lot of families destroyed by the alcohol.

Keep goin' clean.

Steve K. said...

As they say: Keep coming back, it works if you work it, and you're worth it :)


Hi Andrew,
hows things fairing for you today?
I hope well and not too full of teeth grinding hand clenched temptations.
Maybe another fabulous rain storm could help things?