Sunday, June 24, 2007

Bushed and Worn Out

Charlie and me spent all day moving. This apartment looks so bare now. The only things left to move are my computer and its desk and my bed. I have to call the cable company tomorrow and get them to come out and install cable lines to each room then install my internet and I will be moved. I am going to hang out here all week because I have a check from Google Adsense for $462 dollars being delivered by courier and I don't want to miss that. That is buying me a new digital camera and computer desk.

The house looks so great and I am so lucky. I drove over a moment ago and just sat in my den on my couch for thirty minutes enjoying the ambience. I can't believe I have my own home and it is completely paid for. The thermostat was set to eighty degrees and it felt so cool and wonderful. I am tempted to sleep over there tonight to see how quiet it is. In the back bedroom is the bed I always slept in during the summers I spent on my grandmother's farm. It brings forth a wave of nostalgia to see it in that room.

Rosa hung curtains and pictures today. I have this huge picture of the last supper and I told her to hang it over my entertainment center.

"But you aren't even religious," she said, amused. "I don't know if I would want Jesus staring at me while I watch violent TV or dirty movies."

I laughed.

"It was my grandmothers and hung over her mantle all my young life," I replied. "It has sentimental value."

Rosa shrugged and went about hammering in the nail and hanging and balancing the huge mural with my help.

Well, I am tired and am going to call it a night. I will write again in the morning.


Annabel said...

I am glad you're getting a new camera. First order of business needs to be pictures of the new place with all your stuff in it.

I like that you're a sentimental person. Looking forward to tales of life in the new house!

SKQBDOO said...

Blessed. You are very, very blessed!!! I am so proud for you.

The Window of Love(Amir Aslan Masoumi) said...

nice and lovely writer. good.

Eric said...

This kind of worn out usually feels worth it because of what you are ending up with. Glad you have the house.

My grandmother had a picture in a nook in her kitchen of a guardian angle and two little children crossing a rickety wooden bridge. She passed a number of years ago and I have been disappointed that I was not there for her funeral. Last year, one of my tenants told me they were getting rid of a picture that someone had given them, can you guess what it is? It now hangs in the hall outside my bedroom.

alphabet soup said...

Your new home will be well worth the wait. Like Annabel I will be looking forward to seeing the house pictures when you get your new camera.

Ms Soup

justLacey said...

im with annabel, can't wait to see pictures of the house with your stuff in it. I bet it's beautiful. I hope it brings you peace.

~Vital~ said...

Congrats Andrew! I'm so happy for you! Wish we were all there to celebrate with you!

Cheryl said...

I'm so glad you're almost moved in. It's been a long time coming. Relax now and wait for your check. I can't wait till you have your new camera.

Liquid said...

Awesome blog! I was simply pondering the net and found you.
Just had to blog-roll you. Hope you don't mind. :)

Terri said...

how exciting for you Andrew; I hope the rest of the move and the first few nights are easy adjustments! I too can't wait for the new camera and some pics.

Lord Jim said...

Shifting homes is such a draining activity. I hav lots of experience in this particular field(I shifted thrice in the past year, a nomadic existance you may say).
Do u mind if I add in in my blogroll???

Tee said...

De-lurking to say I've been reading your blog for a while. You are an inspiration dealing with your addiction and mental illness. Keep up the good work! How exciting, moving to a new home and it having been your grandmother's is really special!

Portia said...

i am glad to read that it was such a good weekend, also very excited for you to be in your new house!

Katie W said...

I feel your pain. I've just moved this weekend. It looks great now it's all unpacked but boy was I knackered on saturday night!

Rich said...

Good luck with your move Andrew. Hope you have many good memories in your new place.

D.H. Pang said...

I'm new to blogs, and just stared up mine. When I search for other blogs randomly (by clicking "Next Blog") I keep finding myself in this blog. This is the fifth time I've happened into this blog randomly, and I have not seen other blogs more than twice, yet. There is something I need to learn here, and I'm glad I found it.

my blog

LAB said...

Wow...Almost $500 from Google is great.

I'm glad that you are finally getting moved into your new home. I know you will love it there.

BTW...have you decided to have Rosa move in with you yet?

mago said...

Congratulations and best wishes.
It shall be good.

Michael said...

You are one of the true heroes Andrew.


If you ever want to float me a small piece on your journey: check out

Moonroot said...

Congratulations on your move!


Nice blog and good topics

Cheryl said...

You will love your screened-in porch. What a luxury!

abbagirl74 said...

I wrote about you today. I was at a shopping center that reminds me of your own. Hope you are getting some rest. Don't overdo it with all of the moving. It can take a lot out of a person.


that's great about your bed from your grandma's home. Maybe that will help you sleep, having the memories in it.

I hope your check made it..that's wonderful.
Sleep well, move carefully, and I look forward to reading about it.

I worked at a homeless shelter last night..rather volunteered(I blogged about it today)...made me think of you and your days of being homeless. Did you ever visit shelters back then? If so, what were they like?

rastenger said...

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BromoLuz said...

Awesome!! I am glad you're getting your own place. I'm in the same way.

Nice blog


"it's a very bad idea to hang this picture there"

Bitoy said...

Hi Andrew

I am one of your fans, and I am starting to get the into the habit of reading your day-to-day activities. I hope I learn from you. I desperately need to improve my writing