Wednesday, July 04, 2007

All Stocked up on Crazy Here

"Sex Lube?!?!" Rosa asked. "You mean like K-Y Jelly?"

"Yep," I said. "It makes for the best waterless shave when you are camping. No razor burn at all."

Rosa and me were discussing my upcoming urban camping experiment and some of the things I needed to bring.

"Where are you going to get your water to drink?"

"From the river," I replied. "I have a water filter."

"Don't come crying to me when you get some kind of funky parasite that grows in your bowels."

I laughed. I have used this same ceramic filter in pond water and muddy puddles many times dying of thirst when I was homeless. I trust it.

"Are you going to come spend the night with me?" I then asked Rosa as we pulled into my driveway this morning.

"I'll do a lot of things for you, but I am not sleeping behind that old cotton mill," Rosa replied, huffily.

I smiled knowing Rosa would say no. She has come a long way from her homeless crack smoking days. Creature comforts are much more to her liking in these latter years.

"I just don't see why you are doing it," Rosa said after we had sat down in my den on the couch.

"To me," I said slowly and clearly, "this is a grand adventure and a lot of fun. I want to test my mettle so to speak."

Rosa sighed as she looked at me warily and lit up another cigarette. I shushed her off to the porch reminding her that we are not to smoke inside my new house.

"I'm staying till your father gets here tonight," Rosa then said, sticking her head beyond the porch door. "I want to make sure you are taking your medications as well."

Sometimes it feels like I have the whole town watching me for signs of crazy about to happen. I tried to assure Rosa that this little planned adventure wasn't a symptom of my mental illness - I don't think.


Annabel said...

I hope you enjoy your adventure. Tell us when you're leaving and when we can expect you back so your readers and I don't panic.

abbagirl74 said...

Hope the mosquitos don't get you. I am glad Rosa cares about you. She has proven to be a good woman and dear friend, even to your readers.

Mary Catherine said...

Hello, It was interesting to ready your blog. I work in a medical community and understand your struggle. It is a great thing you do the writing and I found it very interesting. Keep writing
Mary Catherine

Summer said...

It's not about the illness. It's about doing something you like to do. Camping! I guess, if I had to pick a spot for you to do it, I think behind the mill would be preferable than in the woods with the bears and bob cats. I do worry about you. We all do.

Rosa and I would get a long fine at the Hilton with room service. No doubt about it!

Blue Gardenia said...

It could be your illness. As a fellow sufferer I know that there are times when we can't stand being indoors. There was a time when I had to sleep outside and did so even under adverse weather conditions. It was extremely soothing to hear the wind roaring in the trees while bundled up. Homelessness is a symptom and in the old days the termed it nomadism. But it is a harmless symptom as long as you take care of yourself. If you don't bother anyone then why not take some time in nature. It is rather odd that you have a new house and want to do this at this time, isn't it? If you refuse to come home and become an aimless drifter this would be bad.

KYRIE said...

I am not the one going camping but I am getting excited bout ur trip! I guess too much Famous Five books whn I was a kid!
Hey u are really roughing it! Not even taking bottled water n ur own filter? Boy scouts will hv covered u with badges!

Eric said...

ok, urban camping sounds cool, but I have to have clean water so I can make my sun

PipeTobacco said...


I am so very glad to hear you planning and excited about a HAPPY urban camping trip! It will indeed be a grand adventure. Stock up and have a helluva good time!

If you can, please leave a brief message here so your loyal readers will know how long to anticipate before you are back to writing.

Any new ideas about which camera you would like?

You do not allow smoking in your own home?!?
