Monday, July 23, 2007

The Odd Couple

I am happiest when my home isn't just clean – it's resplendent. Glowing white bathrooms full of sterile tile. Neat cupboards full of canned vegetables and that ubiquitous round of canned tuna that was on sale. Stainless steel sinks in which you can see your reflection. Dishwashers that are empty and ready for another load. Beds made with taunt and crisp sheets, and the expensive down pillows that Charlie bought me a few weeks ago are plump and inviting upon them. The smell of lemon furniture polish and the aroma of fresh paint fills every room. Mirror finish hardwood floors looking like glass as your tennis shoes squeak upon them while you walk they are so clean.

Maggie is the exact opposite. She loves chaos. Toys strewn - the innards ripped out. Dog hair flying as she digs at yet another imagined flea. Cushions on the couch pulled off onto the floor to make a comfortable nest to lie upon. Festive runs and jumps onto my freshly made beds to groom ourselves in the most vulgar way. We are like the odd couple and I constantly have to pick up after her. I will sigh with an exasperated look (but with also a smile) as I walk into the house to be greeted by such messes after running errands. If it wasn't for the greetings she gives me at the door, I could easily grow aggravated. My frustrations are soon forgotten as my best friend lets me know that she couldn't wait for me to get home and she is so glad to see me. Is this how parents feel?


Masquerade said...

Wow you write about nearly everything! I can't help but complain that your life seems far more interesting than mine, however. I've linked to your blog on my page. I hope that's acceptable.

I look forward to reading more.

Barb said...

A day never passes that I dont learn a new word while reading your blog. I am an educated women, too educated by some people's standard, but you are always able to 'wow' me with your narrative. The word of the day is RESPLENDENT.
Please dont get too fancy with your choice of words, as it makes me want to go back for yet another degree :-/
Maggie is a lucky dog!
Have a wonderful Monday!

Jenn said...

Yes, that's kind of like parenthood! I've always said having a dog is the closest you can get to having a child w/o actually having one.

Emmeline said...

I totally know how you feel - I feel the same about my dog! He is the best!

Emmeline said...

Okay so I made that comment before really checking out the rest of your blog. (I was blog-surfing, so I've only been reading the first post of every page I'm on.) Anyway, now that I've checked out your site more completely, I think that I will be back. I love that you are so willing to blog about your struggles with mental illness and alcoholism - usually people are so ashamed that they try to forget or hide the fact that they are dealing with those things, and I think it's great that you are not only NOT hiding it, but are actively blogging about it. It is a great step toward helping others understand how to relate to people like you, in a world where it has become so acceptable to 'shun' people with problems like yours. Anyway, your writing talent is extraordinary, and I noticed that you and I have linked to a common site on our pages - Waiter Rant - I love that site! So I will definitely be back and will also be checking out your other links. Thanks for sharing!

Portia said...

yes, it is how parents feel:) the mess our family creates grates on my nerves to no end but i don't have the energy to tackle it every single day after i try to overlook it and focus on the love and good times we are fortunate enough to share.

i am just catching up after a few have really been busy turning out some great posts!

i hope you are having a lovely day.

Rich said...

I would need a house keeper to live that clean.

Eric Valentine said...

They say that a little bit of clutter makes a house look more lived in and therefore more of a home than just a house.

It helps though to put most things back where they came from, and have the occasional ride around on the vacuum cleaner. Good posts Andrew. :)

darla said...

Yes, that is very similar to what a parent feels like. I, too, have a dog that I just adore. Owning a dog is just like having a child, really.

Tee said...

I like your housekeeping style! Have you even dryed your sheets on a clothes lines? They smell wonderful and are crisp. Love it!

Pets are babies that never grow up. Do you have a fenced backyard? If so, put Maggie in the yard while you are away from the house. :-)

justLacey said...

Love a clean house, can't seem to keep it that way with dog hair and kids. Sure it looks clean to the person who walks in, but to me it isn't clean unless I have just mopped the floors and it smells clean.

Jade said...

Tuna and cleanliness are my faves too.

Eric said...

Maggie and I must be kindred spirits.

I used to make my bed religiously, mostly habit created by a orderly mother and ex-wife. One day, as I was about to make my bed, the following thought came to me, "The next time I see this bed, I will be getting into it, wouldn't it be easier to not have to pull the covers back down." I don't make my bed now, unless company or my mother is coming to visit. So, Maggie, we see eye to eye. =)

badfrankie said...

Maggie is ME!

Cheryl said...

I love a spotless house. That only happens when I'm going to have a party here. Most of the time it's very neat. There's nothing like a shiny clean surface to gaze upon.

I've really enjoyed your writing. Glad to hear you met up with Rosa. Glad you had such a nice night with your dad. Happy!

Scarlet Dux said...

Heh that is one cute dog - I too while not of the cleaning my privates on top of the bed kind, like a bit of clutter - my house never remains tidy for too long.


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