Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Long Drive...

Well, I just got finished driving all the way to where I could be working.  It is 40 miles round trip.  I was worried I couldn't afford the gas to work there.  My fuel gauge only dropped a little bit. 

Now, how to convince my father this is a good thing?  He won't understand my desire to be independent or self-supporting.  He will say I won't work very long and I may not.  But, you know what?  I am going to give this a damn good try.  I am going to bust my ass for my boss these next few weeks and maybe, possibly, transfer to the McDonald's in town. 

Personally? I am so excited.  I want something to do with my days and there are just no volunteer opportunities here in town.  I will be working and learning, at the same time, how to work again.  Getting up for showers.  Being somewhere on time.  Performing my duties.  It will be a good test to see if I am still up to this despite my limitations.  I really haven't worked since 2003.  It has been a long, long time.  And just think of the blog fodder working at McDonald's will provide!


justLacey said...

I'm excited for you!!! Just think of all the new posts you'll get out of this. I really can't wait. Seems like the power of positive thinking is working for you. I might have to give it a try for myself, lol. Enjoyed all your posts today.

Upsy-Downsy said...

Hopefully....hopefully your father will support you on this and give you encouragement and a pat on the back for your hard efforts with all that you did in trying to find work.

Ryan said...

You say Maggie looks depressed... maybe she'd like to be taken for a walk? Or, if I remember correctly, you haven't trained her or something...?

Jenera said...

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! That is fantastic!

Secondly, who cares what your dad thinks? Go prove him wrong! It sounds like you really have a drive that maybe in the past you have lacked.

i think this will all work out the way you want!

Chandira said...

That's cool! Go for it.

I'm with Jenera, prove your dad wrong.

PipeTobacco said...


I applaud you finding a job. It should be a fun adventure.

However, one question I have is... how will this not rile up your father any more than changing your payee would have? Personally, I think you should have still gotten the new payee AND started this new job. Both would be winners for you.


Andrew said...


It wouldn't nearly upset the status quo as much. He still has control of my disability money, my medications, and my healthcare which is so important to him. It will probably rile him up, but there is not much he can say about a grown man wanting to work. His biggest concern will be about my medications which cost over $2000 dollars a month. I guess I am being careless and foolhardy to think I can work, but I want to try. My life will always be constrained by disability and medicare if I choose to stay on them. I would rather take a chance without the medications and see how a do now that I am sober.

Marilyn said...

Good luck Andrew! But-I don't think it's a good idea to stop your meds. Maybe you could wean yourself off of one at a time (with your doctor's approval).

Kelly Jene said...

One thing at a time, dear friend. Don't drop the meds and start the job, that is asking too much of yourself at once. Get used to the job before you think of anything else.

I'm so proud of you! I know you will do well.

Sharyna said...

Maybe I'm niave but isn't McD. required to offer insurance for their employees? They have enough employees over all to qualify under law. Good luck tomarrow.


2sunset said...

Awesome, Awesome, I am so very proud of you.

Now just roll with it and give yourself a lot of permission to:
~pay less attention to your blog-life if necessary.
~maybe get into some new tensions with Rosa or Dad.

But enjoy this new adventure, my friend, and remember change (even good change) is stressful so STAY ON your meds for now. (that uppercase shouting was because I care) tee hee
cheers, all the best!

Brad said...

Go for it Andrew, from what I can see you've got a huge cheering section here. I might have mentioned this before but it was through your blog that I found Summer & Cheryl and eventually got back into blogging. I'm in your debt and I'm rooting for you !

Andrew said...


Aren't Cheryl and Summer great? I'm glad you found them and thank you.

Cheryl said...

Thanks Andrew! Through you I found some of my best friends! I'm just starting to catch up on all your posts, and I'm just reading about your job now. So, a new adventure will begin. Can't you work for a length of time before your disability runs out? Enough time to give it a try? I just read your twitter postings. Loved them! I see you have all kinds of emotions about working. If you do it, and you're happy, than that's what will be. If it causes too much stress, you'll do something else. You know all about the 'one day at a time' thing. You will be fine, regardless. You're sober, and want to live a life of purpose. You will find what works!

greglo said...

Hi Andrew,

my best wishes for a what is already a great experience. I'll think of you often and will be very eager... am already eager to see what you'll feel like sharing here.

Have a nice day,


Le Fleur said...

Congratulations on the job, luv and on the days sober counter that keeps getting higher.

hensteeth said...

Congrats! And wishing you everything you hope for and more.

anonymous said...

I have a question. Who is going to give you money for gas the first few weeks to get back and forth to work? If your father won't give you a dollar for an AA meeting or money for diet cokes, do you think he's going to cough up $60 bucks a week for gas?

simonsays said...

Very exciting Andrew - way to go!

You are going to love it. And you are right, just imagine all the blog material you will have! :)

austere said...

I hope the weather is ok where you are. take care.

Summer said...

I don't have any words of wisdom. But I do want to thank you for your kind compliment. Good luck today!

Summer said...

BTW...when you wrote Bedlam! on my blog last night I could just hear you say it! Haha.

forsythia said...

YAY! Go for it, Andrew!!!!!!

PS. Do you want fries with that?

Lady Elaine said...

Congrats on the interview, but please before you accept the job consider things carefully and speak with your Dad. The cost of your meds is not trivial, nor are the rest of your expenses. A middle ground may be phoning vocational rehab and explaining what you are doing, and thus keeping all your benefits. Perhaps your Dad can call for you?

Tee said...

Hope you do well.