Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Cornucopia That Was a Beige Honda...

Mom's car pulled up in front of my house full of groceries and surprises.  Maggie did her usual happy dance and squealed she was so excited. 

"I've got you a surprise in the car," mom said as I walked out to greet her.

In the back seat of mom's car were bound copies of Model Railroader magazine from the 80's and 90's.

"Oh my God," was all I could say I was so overjoyed.

"You like them?" mom asked.

"Mom, I can relive my childhood looking at these old magazines.  Thank you."

I foresee many long hours curled up in my Lazy Boy enjoying these old magazines.  It is going to be a good day. 


mosiacmind said...

First off I am so thankful that my computer is working again. I am so glad to be able to read blogs and get emails and such. I am glad that you have the older magazines to look out how fun and relaxing that will be for you. I have missed you friend and hoped that you are doing good.

justLacey said...

Mom is batting a thousand lately!

(M)ary said...

one of the things i love about old mags are the ads. check out what was being advertised in the 80's and how the ads were presented. it is kind of like an archaelogical dig into the past.

LM said...

Your Mom is a sweetheart!

Cheryl said...

What a treasure your mom gave you. I'm so excited for you. It's great to have a hobby that excites you. I've been there, but now I'm just swimming. That's my hobby.

I'm sorry about the anxiety coming back. It will leave again when you least expect it.

kristi said...

Your Mom really loves you! She is a special lady.

kristi said...

Your Mom really loves you! She is a special lady.