Saturday, September 13, 2008

And the Bug Bites...

The camping bug has bitten me hard these past few days. It all started with a news article on a homeless tent city, and I am rearing to go. Luckily, my family owns about 200 acres of timberland in God's country. I am headed out tonight to pitch my tent and revel in the waning sunlight.

The hard part? Mentally, I associate camping with drinking. My past camping trips always involved a case of beer or a fifth of Southern Comfort. I will have to be careful and not get drawn back into those old habits.

My ex-wife once wanted to go camping with me. She wanted to "make love under the stars." She wasn't out there for two hours until the deer, mosquitos, and the boredom chased her home, dragging me with her.


Kelly Jene said...

How fun! I love to camp. Maybe you can make camping special in another way... bringing something along you don't usually get, a favorite pop or treat or something.

Don't get bit by bugs, but have fun!

Jbeeky said...

I like my camping in hotels! Too much city in me, I guess! I hope you have fun, I do love nature but am a bit of a sissy!

Cheryl said...

I remember your backyard camping. Write tomorrow with the follow-up, OK?


I love the smell of my clothes from that charcoal bonfire from camping..and the quiet sounds of nature surrounding you as if they're saying they own the world and you're just resting upon it..

now you're giving me the bug--with DEET PROTECTION! :)


PipeTobacco said...


I hope you have a grand time!


SpringMist said...

Well associate camping with coffee now then.
I need coffee myself now but it is 1 am, I shouldn't be thinking of coffee. Bad kyrie :)

justLacey said...

Now is the time to make new sober camping memories. I hope you make many and enjoy your night under the stars.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

ah yes.. the fantasy does not really match reality unfortunately!

Thanks for sharing Andrew! keep on keepin on. You are doing SO !! well hheehee

Leann said...

Enjoy your camping trip!!

I'm very much looking forward to mine.

I love camping so I can eat the hotdogs that are roasted and almost burned and the roasted marshmellows!! Great substitute for alcohol :-)

Mo said...

Hope you have/had a great time in God's country.