Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baked and Barbecued...

Yesterday, I made it another "no clean" day for Helen and I.  I also let her pick the menu and it wasn't long until I was following her around a supermarket.  Helen showed me the finer art of buying chicken for baking.

"You don't want boneless breasts, baby," she told me. "The chicken will be dry and rubbery. The bones keep the chicken moist."

A few hours later, mom and I were sitting down to a supper of baked barbeque chicken and macaroni and cheese.  I am starting to really like having Helen pick the menu.  It is like a grab bag of meals. 

This morning, I went to an Overeaters Anonymous meeting.  I practically drove almost to Atlanta to attend.   I felt out of place.  I was the only guy there and the only one that wasn't terribly obese.  When I got home, I weighed on my scales and am down to 210 pounds.  At one time I weighed 257.   I will probably go back again as I did like the more congenial and personal atmosphere.  


Summer said...

Helen is right about the bones. I preach bones all the time in this house. "Get it with bones!" I've been heard to yell after DH when he goes to the store. This goes for pork chops too. Ha!

Cheryl said...

I have a very thin client who goes to OA. She has a food addiction despite her size. I'm glad you found a community of good folks. Too bad AA isn't better where you live. It could and should be a place of fellowship.

I wish I had Helen.

Eric said...

Andrew, can I borrow Helen a couple of days? I really could use some of that good food. Notice , I didn't say that I NEEDED the food, just that I want

justLacey said...

I agree with Helen and summer on the bones. There is nothing worse than dried up meat. Yuck! I know Helen enjoys her days at your house as much as you enjoy having her.

Leann said...

I didn't know that about the bones...hmmm......good to know.

Question....why overeaters anonymous?

Me said...

You're so lucky to have a Helen... wish I had one, she sounds like a wonderful cook.