Monday, December 22, 2008

Bitterly Cold...

My car barely cranked this morning at 5:00 AM in the dark.  It was 19 degrees outside. Don't ask me why I was up at such an ungodly hour.  I couldn't sleep and I was out of cigarettes.  I asked mom to put my cigarettes on the back porch the night before so I wouldn't wake them when I arrived. 

It barely climbed above freezing today for the rest of the day.  I so wanted to go watch trains, but was only down there for 30 minutes before the cold and chill chased me back to my car.  I saw one mixed freight come rumbling by and that was it.

I did swing by Fat Albert's to see George and for coffee early this morning.  He was all disgruntled to have to work on Christmas day. "Effing slave drivers," was today's catch phrase.  Convenience stores seem to close for no one or anything.  I spent a Christmas working at a convenience store once upon a time. 

Dad's already asked me if I've received money in any of my Christmas cards yet.   So far, I've received $40 dollars and I sure as hell ain't telling him.  That is none of his business.  He can't control everything in my life.


glittermom said...

Good for you...I trust you will use it wisely...

impromptublogger said...

I hope your Dad doesn't read your blog! lol

It looks like you had a wonderful early Xmas dinner and I'm very happy you were able to cope with the swarms of relatives there.

As for George - I hope he at least makes time and a half for working on Christmas!

justLacey said...

lol @ Your comment about Dad. He sure seems to think he can, but you always manage to find a way to squeek by.

Leann said...

It's been a year, at what point will trust come back into the picture?

I can relate on the freezing issue. It's been in the 20's here for days it seems.

glittermom said...

everyone has been suffering with the cold temps..we have been in the single digits the last few days..but there is a reprive in the forcast...near 60 on sat...can you believe that?

Annabel said...

Well, it looks like we won't be having a white Christmas here... but I'm not disappointed. I'm looking forward to being home this year. Hope you find something great to spend the $40 on.

Ellie said...

Hi. I haven't spoken with you in a long time! I just wanted to drop by and wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Tee said...

ROFL, not telling you Dad about the money. Enjoy it, but spend it wisely. You might want to save it when you want to eat out, or take in a movie and not have to ask dear ole dad. Look at you, tomorrow is 400 days of being sober. How cool is that with it being Christmas Eve. Keep up the GREAT work! Have a very Merry Christmas.

Summer said...

Hey Sweets... In case I don't get to the computer tomorrow or the next, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. I hope you and Maggie have great fun!

Cin said...

We have had some cold weather here in Ohio too. The first day of Winter sure let us know what season it was!! I love the look of your blog! Take good care of yourself and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!

EE said...

Merry Christmas!!!!

forsythia said...

Cold here in "Merlin" too. Merry Christmas.

Brad said...

Merry Christmas buddy. Hope you all have a fine time.

justLacey said...

Hope you and your family (Maggie included) have a happy and safe Christmas.

pattycakes said...

have a great holiday season and congrats on your wonderful sucess on your 400 days , i know how much self control that must take . your doing great. love the look of your blog . eat some good food and enjoy your family, thats what its all about looks like you had a wonderful family dinner at your parents house
keep warm and have a great new year

Dear Liza said...

Merry Christmas Andrew!

Hugs. :)

Cheryl said...

It's been freezing cold up here too, but we're much further north. I didn't know it was that bad there. Brrr. Maggie must not like going out in that. Last night a front must have come through. It was very windy. When I went outside it was balmy. From the teens to the 60's. Just strange.

I'm up early, and finally relaxing in bed with my laptop. Wish someone could bring up some coffee!

I wish you a Merry Christmas, no matter what you do today. I'll be thinking of you.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Merry Christmas Andrew....and you too, Maggie! I hope the New Year brings you much happiness. I'm very proud of you, Andrew. I know it must be really hard to keep your commitment during this time of year.
Our weather here is horrible. Sunday the wind chill was 20 below zero and Monday gave us another foot of snow. Now is warming up and they are predicting rain and 60 degrees for Saturday. This is NOT typical Michigan weather.
Global warming, anyone?
Keep warm, Andrew.

ac said...

Stopped by to wish you a Merry Christmas Andrew. Blessing to you on this Special Day and every day! ac