Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Stomach Growls...

I just drove over for my customary two Coca-Colas.  Dad was in the kitchen cooking for Christmas.  Remember that frou frou dressing my cousin made for Thanksgiving?  Dad was making sure we had a traditional (for us) dressing this Christmas. 

"Corn bread. A whole chicken.  It is going to be tasty," Dad told me as I stood in the kitchen door. 

It smelled wonderful.  When my mother came down with her late onset schizophrenia, my father had to learn to cook.  And cook he did.  

We went ahead and took my medications while I was there.  I hate to wait until dad arrives at my home so I was happy to oblige. 

It is cold today.  A blustery, thoroughly winter-like day. A good day for model railroading projects and listening to Internet radio.  I am off for some relaxing fun!


Jenn said...

I ate thanksgiving at my inlaws once and his stuffing was so weird - ground beef and corn! I just have to have my mom's stuffing or it's not the same.

Jami said...

I love hearing about how you've learned to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

Kathy said...

You are so right about traditional stuffing! I love the aroma of a roasting chicken or turkey.

Syd said...

I like the traditional stuff myself. It sounds good.