Sunday, February 08, 2009

A Day's End...

"What'cha doing?" my very loud and teenager-esque neighbor asked me a moment ago.

"Sunset for my blog," I replied. 

"I thought only teenage girls wrote blogs," he deadpanned and laughed.

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest your dogs and home tonight," I growled under my breath.

But he's a good guy when he keeps his car stereo down to below earthquake levels.  I am sounding old now. "Hey, you kids!  Get off my lawn!"


Kathy said...


(M)ary said...

hey, i read the blog of a woman who is wait, let me go check, don't want to mis-quote her age: 81

blogging is for all ages!

Cheryl said...

I'm happy to be back and caught up with things in your world. Same toaster oven, huh? Pretty cool. Em uses ours every day for her half bagel. It took me a while to find just the right one.

Was it warm down South today? It was wonderful here. A perfect day for a party.

I don't think you should censor yourself. You're among friends here. Say what you feel.

Thanks for being a friend and for having me on your sidebar. That still means so much to me.

BTW, check your mailbox.

Jessica said...

:D! Beautiful sunset, Andrew!

conisong said...

I love your sense of humor Andrew. Thanks for making me laugh tonight.

happyone said...

Gorgeous sunset!!

Leann said...

It's wonderful how we come full circle isn't it?

Love the pic.

Lynette said...

Remember teenagers have brains the size of walnuts. You can be that if someone told him blogging woulb be a great way to meet girls,he would be all over it.

Portia said...

Wow, those colors are so gorgeous.