Sunday, March 15, 2009

Death on the Mean Streets of J-ville...

I counted over five dead squirrels in the road on my walk this morning.  Maggie tried her best to carry a few home.  I was worried she would get some strange variance of botulism.   What is up with squirrels, cars, and roads?  It is almost as if their brains shut down when they see a car coming. 

It rained some on my walk this morning.  I had a cheap poncho to wear, but I was sweating so hard under it that I was getting wet anyway. 

Mom bought me the Kroger brand of raisin bran crunch.  It is actually better than Kellogg's.  I had a "man sized" bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning. 


Kathy said...

Perhaps the squirrels are suicidal? You're right, though. They seem to run right for the car!!!

becomingkate said...

We don't have many squirrels on my end of town. The trees are all less than 10 years old and there's no place for them to play, and not much to eat.

Leann said...

It is the same here Andrew. It seems they freeze and get so confused when they see a car coming at them.

Lena said...

I never noticed that about squirrels before, now I will have to pay more attention to them. This is why I love reading blogs, the things I learn!


Hmm, that's odd. If you were living in my neighborhood I'd say it was the coyote's that we've seen prowling our suburban neighborhood lately..
Hope there isn't some type of squirrely virus going around..

the summer we moved back here outside of the townhouse we were renting there was a big evergreen tree and I had many chipmunk friends..well, in one day I saw 4 collapse and a few dead.>I was so freaked out that there was a pandemic on my hands that I wouldn't let the boys out of the house..

Happy Sunday and I'm glad you're walking!!

Hi Maggie! Ease up on the leash, please? your friends in Chicagoland don't want you to get an owie. and you're making your daddy reallllly nervous!

justLacey said...

I love crunch! I almost hit a bunny the other morning on the way to work. Luckily I swerved in time. They seem to be able to survive the boxer, but not cars around here.

Irishcoda said...

Poor kamikaze squirrels. We have the same type around here and luckily I've been able to avoid hitting them.

I'm The Momma, That's Why! said...

"Honey, that guy with the choking dog is coming by again! This time he is soaking wet - and that poor choking dog looks like she's been eating dead squirrels!"

Ah, yes! I can hear the neighbors now!

For a different perspective, try walking a different direction. Give a new group of neighbors a cheap thrill!

Have a lovely Sunday evening - I'm off to watch the shuttle launch from my front yard!!

Grannie in Florida

Lou said...

I'm like your doctor.."Walking cures everything, blah, blah, blah." LOL

happyone said...

I've seen squirrels just about make it all the way across the street and then turn around and head back again. :-)
Glad to hear you are still walking. I swear by it - it's good for everything!!

(M)ary said...

i saw a dead possum, racood and squirrel today while driving around. i think the spring weather must be making the animals and the humans less careful on the road??? dad worked for kroger for years. he always said that most of the generic grocery brands are made in the same way, sometimes on the same factory line as regular brands. so, yes, i do buy almost exclusively kroger brand food when there is a choice.

(M)ary said...

that would racoon not racood!! ha. made up a species there.

Tee said...

Those squirels are nuts. No pun intended. LOL! I don't think a dead squirrel would hurt Maggies. I think animal have more/different bacteria than humans that allow them to eat dead animals, I hope, because my cat eats mice and other small critters. Besides squirrels are rats with fluffy tails.

We buy more Kroger brand stuff than name brand, mainly because we like it better, and another perk, it's cheaper.