Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Winter's last gasp...

It was lightly snowing or sleeting on the drive back from my parents this morning.  Just enough to get me excited yet it looked weird to see all the azaleas blooming at the same time.  I am ready for warm days and for winter to come to an end. 

Mom was perturbed at my calling this morning.

"I was asleep," she told me.

"You are always asleep," I replied, losing my patience with her today.  "There would never be a good time to call."

When I arrived home, I bundled up in my warmest walking clothes.  Maggie and I headed out for a two mile jaunt.  Mom got me a harness yesterday at Wal-Mart and it proved to be much better than the collar for walking Maggie. 


Leann said...

Andrew, boy do I understand about mothers!!

geelizzie said...

oh my gosh, it's just always so weird for me to read or see on the news about snowy cold weather when here in California we had 87 degrees yesterday! Send us some rain and we'll send you some heat.

Syd said...

It's chilly here today too. But snow in Alabama in April? Weird, huh?

josie2shoes said...

Our weather is like that right now too, Andrew - hot cold hot cold. Either way, it gives me a good excuse to complain. :-)

Kathy said...

Your walk is really developing into a hike!! Good for you. damn the weather...full speed ahead!