Thursday, June 04, 2009

King of the Daydream...

Do you daydream a lot?  I can spend hours daydreaming these days.  It is quite pleasurable.  I can live other lives and dream of better days.  It often happens when I am sitting on the couch with ShopNBC on.

Today's daydream du jour is helping the homeless guy.  A lot of my daydreams center around winning the lottery or coming into money.  I've been daydreaming that me and Kevin "The Homeless Guy" Barbeiux are going around and getting him long term housing and stable Internet so he can do his various homelessness advocacy activities.  


Seth Martin Ward said...

I day dream alot myself. And about the Powerball lottery too. :D It would be grand to win long as it was over 250 million.....I mean seriously, how can someone live off of 10 or 20 million? By the time taxes and all come out you are down to like what? 5-6 or 12-14 million. That is just not enough when gas is heading back up, milk is 3 dollars a gallon....breakfast at McDonald's with the new coffee's run's you 10 to 12 dollars. It's just LUDICROUS! LUDICROUS I SAY! OH THE HUMANITY! SOMEONE STOP THE INSANITY!

Syd said...

I used to day dream more when I was a kid. Now I don't have much time and prefer reality. The best dreams are right here now.

happyone said...

I don't daydream much. I'm just trying to keep up with the world I'm living in. If I want to go into another world I read a book. :-)

(M)ary said...

I daydreamed while I was mowing the lawn today. I dreamed about redoing the bathroom and getting new carpet and making the house more eco-friendly.

Kathy said...

I daydream when I'm working out. It makes the time go more quickly.

Cheryl said...

I don't think I daydream. Food for thought. Can you make yourself do it? I'm going to try.