Saturday, July 18, 2009

What's that smell?

"What's that smell?" I asked Helen walking into the kitchen yesterday. 

"Deep fried chicken livers," Helen replied. "Your mother requested them."

"Well, that's really going to help with the diet," I thought.

Chicken livers are an acquired taste.   I used to love them, but have lost the taste for them over the years.  Maggie goes nuts for them.

I didn't say anything to mom about this diet anomaly as I quietly ate my baked chicken.  She happily ate her supper even bragging on Helen.     


(M)ary said...

I LOVE chicken livers and hearts and all the gizzards. The only problem is that I fell weepy when I try to cook them. I mean, when you cook a pre-packaged chicken breast or leg it doesn't really look like it came from the chicken. The lver and the heart really look and feel like chicken. They taste awesome when fried, in my opinion.

forsythia said...

Where I used to work, you could get chicken livers for breakfast from the cafeteria on Fridays. This was supposed to be a special treat. A chicken-liver-lover friend of mine lived for Friday mornings. Each to his or her own, I guess.

becomingkate said...

I've never tried chicken livers. Must be a Southern thing!

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

my dad used to eat chicken livers... i love the smell of them frying but can't bear the taste.

strangest innard i ever ate was probably moose kidney fried in onions. tasted like piss. i was a guest, so i ate them all up...

Leann said...

Bleck...I can remember my Mom eating those. Fried anything is not good on a diet.

chessaleeinlondon said...

I LOVE chicken livers too! fried with unions...and a tiny bit of curry! wow! Yum! I dropped in to say hi again! Good to see you are doing well.

chessaleeinlondon said...

I LOVE chicken livers too! fried with unions...and a tiny bit of curry! wow! Yum! I dropped in to say hi again! Good to see you are doing well.