Saturday, March 06, 2010

My Thoughts at the End of the Day…

People Come and Go, and Strange Emails…

brother is watching A lot of people have come and gone over the course of this blog.  I wonder what makes people stay around for a long time, and what makes people leave after reading for so long?  I guess my blog can get like a broken record, but aren’t all our lives mostly routine and mundane?  One lady named Kathy emailed me a few months ago and said she was quitting reading because of my religious views.   Religion and politics are two things I specifically avoid writing about on the blog due their their sensitive and polarizing nature and my eclectic views on both.   I didn’t even write back thinking it was probably for the best that she went her own way.  I didn’t even know her anyway.   I’d never even seen her comment.

When I had my Facebook badge on the blog, a lot of people befriended me that read, but never commented.  I had people emailing me privately in Facebook that I had no idea of who they were or what they were up to.  I piqued my paranoia badly.  I didn’t email back and probably pissed a lot of these people off – them thinking I was rude.   These people knew intimate details of my life and were talking to me like a long lost friend and I had no idea who they were or what their motives were.  I have one specifically doggedly determined Frenchman in regards to this on Facebook.  I no longer use Facebook.

And then there was the anonymous email I got the other night that sent chills down my paranoid schizophrenic spine.  It was a definite case of “big brother is watching”.  “We’re watching you!” is all it said in the subject line with nothing in the body with the strangest email address.  I will never forget the sinking feeling I felt for an hour after reading that!  You really gamble with your mental wellbeing when you talk so openly about your life and illness in a public forum such as the Internet.  There are all manner of strange things that can occur if you don’t have a thick skin and a good anti-psychotic to take! 


mago said...

YOur religious views? As I see it you never talked about religion here. She must have mixed something.
This email is a bad joke, Andrew. In the end its is what you show.

Peg said...

Geez, people are mean.

And you don't need a mental illness to be paranoid. Strange people hang out on the internet. The Web can be a scary place. I read a blog for a long long time before I comment. I want to know the person I'm following isn't evil.

You're one of the good guys.

Hang in there. I hope it gets better for you soon.

justLacey said...

Crap Andrew that big brother thing would make anyone paranoid. I know it would have bothered me, which is why I haven't blogged in years. My life isn't all that interesting, the parts that are I certainly wouldn't blog about;) Plus I didn't like the sometimes weird comments. I feel your pain.

Jamie said...

There is so much spam and junk out there...eventually one "hits home" for all of us, even when the sender has no idea who we are or what we're doing. I feel for you, I know how difficult so much of this must be. You do realize though that you have a huge "core group" of readers who ARE your friends and want the very best for you. The rest of them? Screw 'em all...

Happy Sunday, good friend. :)

Joy Heather said...

That is a horrible thing to send anyone Andrew..i'd have felt paranoid for a while, but then that is how weirdo's get their kicks..hang on to that and try and remember the ones who do really care about you (wether they know you or not...some folk get to know you through your blog )i feel i have got to know you this way..and we all care for you and want the best for you...some folks read blogs and NEVER comment, others only comment occasionally, but they still enjoy your blog i'm sure...and dont forget things can go wrong & folks can loose their Internet etc for all sorts of reasons, i havew had a blog for a long time & i really dont know if anuone reads it or not...i write it primarily for myself..if folk ever do comment thats fine..if not thats fine too..try not to let it get to you, you really do have a LOT of internet friends..but there is always the jealous, sad element lurking about..we have to take those along with the good..just brush them aside..if anyone is particularly cruel..just block them..but please dont give thm the satisfaction of upsetting you..they are just not worth it..hang i there Andrew..things will get better my friend

(M)ary said...

I stop reading blogs mostly because I lose the bookmark! Luckily your blog title is easy to remember and easy to find when searching on google.
I agree about being careful when folks you don't know connect with you on facebook. I think that facebook reveals too much like names of your family members and 3D friends. Twitter, the blog...much easier to maintain a boundary...

Sharon said...

Please know that even when some of us do comment on things, it's not like we expect you to answer us. There are many, many of us who read this and respect you enough to know the last thing in the world you need is any kind of pressure from us. We're just here to listen when you need to vent. It's an added bonus that we just so happen to care about you to boot. You might get weirdos who stop by every now and then, but the rest of us support you as best we can.