- I uninstalled Windows 7 last night and went completely to Ubuntu Linux -- Linux being so much more faster and stable than Windows. I also don't have to worry about viruses anymore and all that stupid Windows authentication shit as you have to reinstall Windows so often to keep it running fast. I don't play video games and I don't use a lot of Windows based software so it was a perfect fit for me. I took the big plunge finally after dabbling with Linux for many months in a dual boot configuration. I am now a Linux man through and through. The only thing I truly miss about having Windows is my beloved Windows Live Writer to write my blog. I am back to using Blogger's clunky interface to do my blog authoring. The Linux blogging clients are lackluster I am finding and many don't work with this newer version of Ubuntu I am using. KBlogger is supposed to be good from reviews on the web, but I can't figure out how to compile and install it in Ubuntu. It is a KDE client which may be why it is not playing nice.
- I forgot to take my medicines last night, but feel fine this morning. Just a little buzzy and fuzzy. I took my Paxil when I woke up and will just forgo my 3mg of Risperdal until tonight skipping a dose. It will be interesting to see how it effects the fatigue I am experiencing. We will see how I feel without my anti-psychotic today. I hope I don't go bat shiat crazy today at work. :-) If they cart me off in a straight jacket, ya'll come and rescue me! If I feel okay after today, then I am just going to quit taking it. I am tired of how fatigued it has made me feel for years.
- House Woes -- My thermostat on my air conditioner/heater is going out -- acting all wonky. The air conditioner got stuck to on last night and I woke up to the house being 65 degrees this morning. Frigid! I was shivering in my bed this morning when I opened my eyes after being asleep. I normally keep my thermostat on 80 so you can imagine how cold I was when I woke up. Maggie was outside sleeping on the deck where it was warm being 78 degrees outside this morning. My refrigerator is also going out making clunking and clicking sounds from the compressor. Ah, the joys of home ownership. It is time to put some of that disability money dad has saved up in my account to action.
- Stacey got home late last night and called me to let me know she was home. I was already asleep when the phone rang loudly causing Maggie to bark softly. It was so good to have her home and safe. She sounded tired, but happy -- so glad to have seen her girls. She said her mother was nice and congenial for a change -- not obsessing over her weight. She said she had missed me something fierce and wished I had come. I was glad and so proud for her that she had a good time. It must have been exciting and nerve wracking at the same time to go through all that.
- The sound on Horsefly's TV went out yesterday. It is a really nice big screen high definition LCD television. Charlie called me and I drove over immediately, but couldn't fix it after trying everything. I reset the TV to factory defaults to no avail. We were both disappointed. Charlie is going to give me the TV to use as my computer monitor and buy Horsefly a new one. I am so excited to get it even if it is broken. I won't need the sound feature on the television to use it as a computer monitor having separate speakers for sound. I also had to work on his wife's computer. She was having problems with her anti-virus program. I have found anti-virus programs cause more problems than the problem they are trying to prevent. I just uninstalled it and told Janice she would be fine without it and she will for what she uses her computer for which is browsing for recipes and using Facebook.
- Charlie stopped by just before I was retiring to bed to bring me a roast beef sandwich and curly fries from Arby's. He is obsessing over his new house. "It might take me years to get that house in good shape, but I am going to die trying," he told me. I told him he was getting as bad as Mrs. Florene about wanting to feed me. Maggie was never so happy to see someone barking and whining when she realized he had pulled up. "Charlie's here!" I exclaimed as Maggie squealed when I looked out the window. Charlie is truly a kind soul and a good man.
- Today marks the start of my 7th week of work. Would any of you have thought I could make it this far? I am amazed myself often astounded after having not worked for so many years. Each day, I am still excited about going to work which is a relief. I worried I would soon grow tired of working -- fatigued after years of idleness. The money has been so nice as well and I am quickly saving up a large amount. I went without money for so many years that I am in the habit of not spending very much. There is not much I need really other than some gadgets and some food here or there when I run out of what mom buys me. Lately, Stacey and I have been choosing to eat at home instead of going out -- her preferring my cooking for a change. I am quite the cook if I do say so myself.
- Today we will decide what day will be my extra day off -- Walmart having a recent no overtime policy. I am hoping for Wednesday to break up the week. I am sure my supervisor will be accommodating. She likes me a little too much sometimes! lol For a woman, it would be sexual harassment. For a guy, it is just flattering and endearing.
- My brother is in town with his family and I have been completely forgotten about by mom and dad, and you know what? It's been nice and quiet around here for a change. No family drama as my parents are preoccupied with their grandchildren.
Monday, August 16, 2010
This and That...
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I have been one sick camper. Dad asked me when's the last time I ate last and I ate last Saturday. Not postmortem just yet!!!
I am getting a ton of anonymous comment spam in the archives. I get an email every time somebody comments and I keep hearing “You’ve got Ma...
Andrew, You sound like a computer whiz. You have quite a "skill set." Sorry about your house woes, Perhaps they come in threes. After you deal with your present hassles/expenses, maybe your house will let you alone for awhile.
Congrats on your 7th week of work. I have always worked and I am ready to get back to it. Being laid off was nice for awhile but now I need something to fill my day now that the kids are going back to school. Your supervisor cracks me up!
I always recommend to people to surround themselves with good people....I think you do a good job of that.
Charlie seems like a good friend to have around.
I worked a lot of overtime a few months ago to save up money for a MacBook Pro to stop having to worry about viruses...windows was too much trouble with viruses.
7 Weeks! I knew you could do it, you were just so darn determined. I read your blog with a huge smile now, applauding all of your accomplishments.
I returned to work today after 2 weeks off, OY VEY!
Not, a Windows fan, but it keeps me employed so I can't complain.
I use Mac at home.
Have a great week!
didnt you do that once before then switch back to windows?
Amazing! Seven weeks, that is wonderful. Computers just make me crazy when they don't work right. Our "adopted" son has to help us in that department.
Is this the sibling that recently moved close to your mom and dad with the grandchildren? If so, that's good for you.
Check with your dr. before just stopping that drug, you might need to taper off rather than the sudden stop.
Ubuntu is a great, great OS. win7 sucks !!!
Glad the 'rents are leaving you alone! You deserve some peace and quiet...
A hard workin' man who is a good cook, you will never be lonely
Sounds all good to me. Having some quiet time is good I think.
Great post. You're right about our wondering if you could do the work thing. You've done it. I saw you do it with your drinking before. You can be so determined! Keep up the great way of living.
It's good to be without the parents sometimes!
You are just doing so well, it's hard to believe that a couple of months ago you didn't think you could do this..
I'm so proud of you - but more important you are proud of yourself! I guess they are beginnning to realize that you are making the right decisions for yourself. Bummer about the A/C and refrigerator. Hopefully both can be fixed easily but if not it sounds like you've got some reserve money for that.
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