Monday, October 12, 2015

The Culinary Side of Facebook…

H2_Meatloaf_Sliced_1I was just over getting my six allotted sodas for the day as Helen sat out on the back porch smoking cigarettes.

“Baby, your sister-in-law said you were putting pictures of my food on Facebook.”

Helen then asked me if she could befriend me and I said yes.  She is going to send me a friend request as soon as she gets home from work. This will certainly prove interesting. I’m still not quite sure if I want Helen reading my Facebook timeline. 

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Anonymous said...

Just a reminder. You can filter who sees your posts. Below the post, left of the post button, you can pick a prefilter (Friends, Public, Friends of Friends, Only Me) or choose custom and just put the people you do NOT want to see your posts down. There is also a box to MAKE SURE someone sees it. Put their name in the other box. But these days, I don't think you post anything that might offend, actually, any of your family.

glittermom said...

Obviously your brothers wife reads it...and I'm sure your brother sees what's the big deal if Helen sees it...