Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Another Dynamic Duo Appears...

Papa took Horsefly bowling tonight and then to get his nightly KFC chicken tenders meal.  Papa had also worked 10 hours today. He was certainly tired. I don't know what Charlie had going on, but it must have been something mighty important for Charlie to leave those tasks up to my father.

"Look how sweaty he is!" dad said pointing to Horsefly as he paced up and down my hall by the bathroom. "He bowls like a madman."

No pun intended. Of course...

"Let me borrow a towel," my father asked me as I stepped into the bathroom.

Maggie has firmly added Horsefly to her pack. She is no longer scared of him like she was in the beginning. She follows him as he paces throughout the house.  I think dogs have sorta a second sense about these things.  She knows something is not quite right with Horsefly and he deserves her care and attention.

For Your Gullet's Pleasure...

Papa had all my pills in a little pill bottle tonight which was odd. I didn't ask and just let the mystery be.

"Hold open your hand and gulp these down," my father told me pouring the pills into my palm.

He had even brought me a cold diet Coke to take the pills with. That's like something Charlie would have done.  The kindness my father exhibits upon me has steadily and exponentially increased over the years.

Weather of Two Minds...

A moment ago, it started to rain like I haven't heard it rain in years then it just stopped as if somebody turned off the spigot. The really bad weather is supposed to blow over sometime after midnight.  I betcha $10 bucks I sleep through the whole thing. I always do.  The storms don't bother Maggie as well.  She will just sigh and roll over falling back to sleep.

image credit:  http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/10203577/Father-of-four-dies-after-horsefly-bite.html

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