Saturday, June 18, 2016

The Stage is Set...
Charlie came whizzing by in whirlwind fashion with my medications this afternoon. He was on the way to take Horsefly to see WarCraft at the Cinema down in Auburn.

"Charlie?" I asked as he handed me my pills and a regular Coca-Cola. "Can we take my medications when you bring breakfast in the morning?"

Charlie laughed and said, "Hell no! You don't need to take them that early. You would be wanting more at 10pm tomorrow night."

Charlie was pretty right in his assessment of the situation. I can be so impetuous.

Charlie was gone about as fast as he arrived. I think Horsefly got whiplash as Charlie flew off from the curve so fast. I then called my mother to let her know eating Chinese is on schedule. We are going at 5pm to beat the dinner crowd.

"Can I get an extra to-go General Tso's chicken for later?" I asked my mother very cautiously.

"You want both?" she asked warily.

"Yes, please," I told her. "I have nothing to eat at this house."

Translated that means I really like General Tso's chicken and I want some later tonight.

1 comment:

glittermom said...

So what was wrong with your mothers phone?