Friday, December 16, 2016

Sam, I Am!

Mom and dad's new cat has really made herself at home. She's one of the gang now with all privileges due.

"Did you get a litter box yet?" I asked my mother.

"She lets us know when she needs to go outside," mom replied.

"That would be awesome not having to deal with and use a stinky litter box."

Samantha then decided to check me out as she daintily and carefully jumped up into my lap.

"I've never heard a cat purr that loud before," I said with a broad smile as I pet her. "And she is so very soft. I am used to Maggie's wiry hair."

"What would my Maggie think?" I then asked my father who was sitting across from me,

"Maggie would eat that cat alive!" Dad said laughing and I laughed as well.

My main goal when I drove over is to get my sodas and a couple packs of cigarillos. It was a gamble driving over before calling on the phone. You cannot get my parents to the door most times. Luckily, mom came to the door after I rang the back door bell.

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