Thursday, February 02, 2017

A Pig's Vignette...

I called my father at lunchtime. I had barely got my pants and shirt on when it hit me. I wanted some pickled sausages from the Piggly Wiggly. Kroger doesn't carry them. I quickly tied my shoes.

"You don't really need to eat those," my father said disparagingly. "They've got to be bad for you -- all full of sodium and fat."

"And delicious vinegar," I added. "I just want to let you know there would be a debit on my debit card!"

I didn't give him a chance to say no. He told me to be sure to get a receipt.

I donned a jacket on this lukewarm day and headed out as Maggie cleared the way for me -- barking her fool head off that I was leaving. She ran outside through the dog door.

I noticed that all the tulip trees are blooming as I drove out of the neighborhood. We are having a Indian summer down South.

The Pig was deserted. I didn't see one other customer while I was in there which was very odd. They are always gangbusters busy. Also, they had moved the little jars of Penrose sausage and it took me a moment to find them. I found them above the 6-packs of Vienna sausages.

"This all for you honey?" the rough looking cashier asked.

"Yes ma'am that is all I needed," I replied.

The only other thing that happened was a black lady almost ran into my car as she was parking. I sighed with relief when she missed me by a couple of inches and I drove home.

The avian toilet: You know one more thing happened. Birds shit all over the hood of my car as I was shopping. I am not happy about it.


skinny minny said...

So is that a Japanese Magnolia ( Jane magnolia, Tulip tree)? Blooming already? One of my favorite spring blooming trees.

diana said...

Spring? What is this you speak of? It was 6 degrees this morning and there is snow all over the place. Sigh.
I would love to see signs of spring already.