Monday, April 30, 2018

Comment Replies…

Blogger Sharyn Bellah said...

Oh, btw, I took a little walk around your archives. Back to 2008. The Homeless Guy is no longer blogging but is now an artist in San Diego. Is George still in jail? What was his original offense? Miss Florine is gone but what about Helen? Isn't the lawn guy JT related to her somehow? Did you ever reconnect with Rosa? And Clara? Isn't it funny how they are all gone now. Well, now I'm sad.....

Andrew Replies…

The homeless guy will never be able to support himself as an artist I believe. His talents lie in writing and activism. George is currently in Atmore State Penitentiary on the Alabama/Florida line. I ran into his cousin awhile back in the Piggly Wiggly and Monte filled me in. In an odd twist of fate, my cousin Blake is also in jail at Atmore at this moment. George’s original offense was reckless driving, drunken driving, and trying to elude the police. Dad let Helen go as he no longer needed her when my mother passed away. JW is not related to Helen. Rosa and I talk on the phone occasionally. She will get lonely and call me. The last thing I heard about Clara is she is living in a halfway house for severe recovering alcoholics in Columbus, Georgia.


glittermom said...

What put George back in prison? You’d think once in prison you’d do anything to stay out. But not the case.

Sharyn said...

I remember why George went back, Glittermom. He went back to his old life. He got caught on some sort of booze related offense, DUI, Drunk In Public, tested dirty for the PO, something like that. Glad you are still here. Where'd all Andrew's other "faithfuls" go?

And Andrew thank you for taking the time to answer this. I know it means you are in a good place, compared to when you refuse to even read your comments. And thank you for the updates! Honest! After I read about Christmas 2008, it seemed very stressful for you and yours that year, and it seemed like just about everyone was mentioned somewhere. Wasn't your blog a Blogger Money Maker for awhile? AND Seriously...HAVE we really been friends for THAT long?? LOL You are a great person! Sharyn