Monday, December 31, 2018

Burn Baby, Burn…

I’ve been having the most awful time with heartburn or acid reflux disease as it is known in the trade. It has been downright painful. I’ve been eating Tums like candy. Dad just called me and said he called Dr. Kamath for a prescription of Prilosec for me. I am about to drive down to the pharmacy and pick it up. We are having the weirdest weather today. It is 74° degrees with wind gusts up to 35 mph. It feels likes like a blustery spring day. This usually forebodes bad weather which I think is on the way.


Beth said...

Hmmm. You may want to see the doctor for potential gall bladder issues. You do not want to have an attack in the middle of the night, trust me.

glittermom said...

You can buy Prilosec OTC for heartburn. Prescription Prilosec is different you need to be diagnosed by a dr. And watched closely. You should just try the over the counter one and see if that helps. If not you need to see a dr. For diagnosis not your father.