Thursday, January 31, 2019

Med-Packs Via an Unreliable Courier…

I took my last dosage of medications yesterday evening. My med-pack was empty. Dad was supposed to have brought a new med-pack home from the pharmacy yesterday.

“I forgot to bring home your med-pack,” my father said sheepishly over the phone this morning.

“You, of all people, should be able to remember my medications you are so keen on them,” I told my father.

“I will get them to you this afternoon,” he told me.

“Call the pharmacy and tell them I am on my way to pick them up,” I told my father.

The thought of going that long after my prescribed time sent feelings of anxiety reeling within me. I took a shower and headed to the pharmacy a little before lunch. I came home and took my nine noon pills as soon as I walked into the door of my house. I know it is psychosomatic, but I immediately felt better – my anxiety melting away.


glittermom said...

How many days does your med pack last? Is it a months worth?

Andrew said...

It's a weeks worth Glittermom.