Friday, March 01, 2019

Just the Facts, Ma’am…

It was bound to happen. The stars were aligned just right. Tracy asked me this afternoon if she could keep a few bottles of wine in the fridge and have a glass or two at night as she unwinds. She is one of those normal people who can drink a few glasses and that’s it. I would drink the whole bottle and then drunk drive to get some more. I know my modus operandi very well. I get crazy and stupid when I drink and that’s the god’s honest truth.

“If you want a sober boyfriend, then you wouldn’t do so,” I told her. “It would just be too tempting for me.”

I explained to her how going to the package store is a hardship and helps keep me from drinking. Having wine in the fridge would be like taunting the dynamite monkey. It would just be too easy to walk in the kitchen and pour me a drink during a weak moment.

“Save the wine for special occasions like going out to eat and visiting with my father,” I told her.

Tracy was cool with my answer. She said she would never drink another glass of wine if that meant helping me and keeping me sober. We hugged and I told her she could go down to the pub downtown and have a few drinks in the evenings. That wouldn’t bother me at all.


glittermom said...

Proud you stuck to your guns!

Michelle said...

So proud of you! And I'm happy Tracy understood and wants to help in your sobriety. This post made my day!

glittermom said...

I hope she doesn’t pressure you to do something that would jepardise your sobriety.