Tuesday, April 16, 2019


“Let’s go to bed early tonight,” Tracy said commandingly, turning off the television and closing the lid to her laptop.

I was sitting at the den computer last night and shut it down. It was 10:45pm.

“Sounds like a plan to me,” I said sleepily as I yawned.

I didn’t need much coercion last night for me to turn in early. I had already taken my nighttime meds. I am taking a brand-new nighttime medication called Trazodone and it literally knocks me out. I was just beginning to feel its effects.

“Besides,” Tracy replied. “You’ve got your injection early in the morning.”

I was in my sleeping clothes (t-shirt and boxer shorts) before Tracy could pull on her warm flannel pajamas. Tracy got in the bed and snuggled up against me putting her head on my shoulder.

“Do you ever get scared?” she asked me wistfully with a nervous tone to her speech.

“Scared of what?” I asked perplexed.

“Scared of growing older.”

“You’re just twenty seven. You ought to not be worried about that,” I replied. “I’m the one who ought to be worried about growing older.”

“Will you still love me when I am wrinkly and old?” Tracy then asked.

“I will love you for always,” I replied as we then dozed off to sleep.

Fast Forward to this Morning…

The alarm sounded at 6:45am and we were off to the races. Tracy and I grabbed a shower and went our respective ways. Dad called me about eight to make sure I was up and at ‘em.

“Samantha never came home last night and I am worried sick about her,” dad told me. “Will you go by the house and look for her on your way home from your injection?”

I told my father I would be glad to. I called Samantha and she come running out of the woods next to my father’s house. I immediately called my father and told him that she was okay. He sounded so relieved.

“My pussy is being bad,” he said. “I know she’s got to be hungry and thirsty.”

1 comment:

glittermom said...

Is the trazodone replacing another med. or added to your current meds? Do you suffer from depression? That seems to be what it’s prescribed for.