Sunday, February 27, 2005

Let’s give Satan a hand……

/weird thought one for the day

I was just thinking. If Satan is the root of all evil in the world and causes so much discord then shouldn’t all the Christians be praying not for themselves but for Satan’s salvation? Just think about it. If you believe in such things then we could finally have a true Utopia on earth. No more evil! If there is a god is he not defined as omnipotent and all powerful? Surely he could bring about Satan’s salvation and return to grace. Satan was nothing more than a fallen angel; a creation of god. Come on Christians! Get together and pray for Satan’s salvation! Let’s end evil in our time for once and for all!

/end weird thought one for the day.

/weird thought two for the day.

Is has cost over $100 billion to fight a war in Iraq. The first reason was Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction. This proved to be untrue and the administration even admitted it. Now the reason was to remove Saddam Hussein and liberate the Iraqi people. Common sense dictates to me that the current Administration could care less about the Iraqi people but wanted a government that was more amiable to the United States in power. Just look at Sudan, North Korea, etc. These people are being oppressed but you don’t see us riding white horses into the fray of battle for their cause. My main point is that the costs of this war and restructuring are staggering compared to what is being spent on many important domestic affairs here at home.


Lee Harvey Oswald wanted a change in administration. He did it with a $1 dollar bullet and changed history. It didn’t cost over $100 billion.

/end weird thought two for the day.

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