Saturday, September 23, 2006

Gmail Invites...

I have a hundred Gmail invites so if you want a Gmail email account then just fire off an email to the left requesting one. I will immediately send you an invite to join and set up an account. Gmail has 2 Gigabytes of storage I believe. That is unheard of as far as free online email services are concerned. You can also set up Google's homepage to automatically check your email everytime you open your browser. Just let me know if you need help setting it up.

Gmail also has a built in chat client that is very robust so you and I can chat when we are both on. I hate MSN messenger, AOL instant messenger, or Yahoo chat for chatting. Most of them fill my computer with crap. Gmail chat is streamlined and very easy to use as long as you have a broadband connection.



abbagirl74 said...

Okay, I think I am on. Maybe not. Who knows!

becky said...

What is the deal with gmail? Everybody raves about it. The chat client sounds interesting you know if it works for a Mac?

Andrew said...


I think it is because of the huge storage amount they allow you.

As far as chat is is browser based so should work fine on a Mac. Ah, I miss Macs. They are far superior in my opinion to Windows based PCs.