Sunday, September 24, 2006

Yonder South…

I drove way out spring road this evening into the countryside after running by Subway for a very, very bland tasting tuna salad sub sandwich. I just have to keep reminding myself why I don’t eat fast food anymore. It sucks.

There was a big storm raging to the south and was putting on a grand spectacle. I love to watch a good thunderstorm far off on the horizon on a fall night. I had to fight the urge to drive a few counties south and do some storm chasing. Having to fill up my car twice this week was an effective deterrent.

I had several messages on my answering machine upon returning home. One was from my father asking me to come over and eat chicken salad sandwiches for dinner. I can’t believe I missed Dad’s incredible chicken salad for a shitty subway sub. The other was from Carolyn. She had slept all day. I picked up the phone and returned her call.

“Where have you been?” She asked me. "I have tried calling you five times."

“Oh, I went and got something to eat and rode out into the country to watch a storm down near Dothan,” I replied.

“Well, you could have come and got me. I would have loved to tag along,” She said pouting with me.

“I thought you would still be asleep,” I replied. “Next time I will call you.

“You have to work tonight?” I then asked her.

“I am actually off tonight. Isn’t that wonderful? Sunday’s are the worst night of the week to work the night shift anyway. They are slow as hell.”

“Now that you have slept all day, what are you going to do all night?” I asked her.

“I am coming over to keep you up all night as well,” She replied.

We both laughed.

“Girl, get your ass over here, pronto,” I said jesting with her.

Carolyn is now in the kitchen fixing some macaroni and ground beef casserole for us to have for brunch tomorrow. She assured me that I would love it. I sat down and quickly wrote this while she was busy in another room. I certainly don’t want someone in my real life finding or reading my blog.

It seems I am going to be up all night once again. The night owl in me still reigns supreme! Now, I wonder what we can do in the wee hours of the morning? I will leave that up to your imaginations. Mine is certainly working overtime. I am thinking of candlelight, a little Nat King Cole playing softly on the stereo, and soft and warm bodies under soft and warm covers. Damn, I hope that casserole doesn’t take too long to prepare!


Summer said...

I just assumed that Carolyn knew about this blog. Your relationship with her seems so open and trusting. Didn't your father find this blog a while back?

Andrew said...

Yeah, he came over here and insisted to read it and learned it's name, The 4th Avenue Blues. He visited for about a week down at his business. He has never visited since. I would know by looking at my sight meter. Luckily, mom and dad don't have a computer at home and never have. I probably wouldn't write if he read on a regular basis. My father is not very computer savvy and often has to call me about computer problems at his business.

PipeTobacco said...

Hello Sir:

There is nothing wrong with being a night owl. I typically go to bed at 2am and usually arise by 6am.


PipeTobacco said...


I forgot to mention...

Hearing you post about beloved Sir Walter Raleigh brought joy to my heart and a broad, furry-faced grin to my visage. It had been quite a while since I had seen you mention the pipe and I had feared you had given up on the hobby for only the "Old Golds" you had mentioned a few days ago.

Sir Walter Raleigh (as well as other pipe tobaccos) are true friends to me, for they offer comfort, comaraderie, and compassion to me even during times of stress and sorrow. And it has been so for the 50 or so years I have enjoyed the hobby.


Leann said...

Hi Andrew,

So was your Sunday evening everything your imagination envisioned? ;-)

abbagirl74 said...

Well, it seems like you are keeping busy! Or should I say that someone is keeping you busy.

Anyway, don't sleep all day. Some of us want to talk to you.