Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Workin' for Work

I probably won't get a job through my efforts. I does feel damn good trying though. I feel in control and on top of things. Normally, walking into an establishment and just the simple task of asking for an application would send me running. I have managed to assuage those social fears. Here is a list of accomplishments today.

  1. Have to be back at Domino's Pizza to sign a release for them to check my Motor Vehicle Record.
  2. Have to talk to Rick at Givorn's Grocery between 3 and 4 tomorrow.
  3. Have to be at McDonald's Tuesday at 2 PM to turn in my completed application.

It is a start. I haven't worked in so long that just filling out the applications were hard. I have some serious gaps in my employment record. I just hope my higher power sees fit to bless me in this endeavor. I just feel the time is right and I no longer want to be on disability. It has been a thorn in my side for years now and I am ready to be released. I want to be able to place a dollar bill in that donation basket at A.A. so very badly.


PipeTobacco said...


Just my own thoughts again:

Moderation is the key to success.

Why not work on getting your designated payee transfered to a third NEUTRAL party so you can regain control of your funds...

Then continue volunteering as you see fit...

And if you wish a bit of extra pocket money, pursue one of the various jobs you are considering to earn BELOW the threshold of elligibility for you to regain your SSDI benefits including the very important medical insurance benefits?

To me, the above seems a MODERATE way for you to obtain ALL the goals you seek and desire.


PipeTobacco said...


One final thing if you are even contemplating what I suggest above...

What I am suggesting is a MODERATE approach so you CAN obtain ALL the goals you are seeking while at the same time giving yourself a little "fudge" room in case some of them do not pan out as hoped for.

Your friend,


Kelly Jene said...

Good luck, Andrew. I hope the right job picks you so you can grow and have some peace of mind about your finances.

Lynette said...

Pipe Tobacco is right, don't hop off the SSDI assistance too soon. You may have need of the help before you get all the pieces together. Get used to working first, having some money will help you feel more in control.

Mary said...

Andrew, I agree with other comments. Other than that all I can say is, "Go for it, Kid! You can do anything you set your mind to." Your readers are pulling for you 100%.

Anonymous Boxer said...

I think Pipe Tobacco makes some very good suggestions. I wish he would give ME some advice. :-)

Anonymous said...

Pipe Tobacco said what I was going to say. You've written before that your medications cost over $1000 a month. Why bother working at a job that doesn't have benefits like medical insurance?

mapiprincesa! said...

I have to be the third to agree with PipeTobacco's accurate assessment...and anonymous boxer's wish for a piece of that wisdom! :) Funny, when I read your "Shaking the Family Tree" title, the image of all the little apples falling to the ground cracked me up. I will soon have some shaking of my own to do--it takes guts. As always, peace to you.

Golden To Silver Val said...

Andrew I have to agree with Pipe Tobacco too. Your medical benefits are essential and most jobs, especially part time ones, do not offer those benefits. Also have you actually sat down and added up all your expenses for the month; can you make it just working a part time job? I can understand you wanting independence but don't cut off your nose to spite your face, to quote an old saying. Give all of this some serious thought. As the sage Pipe Tobacco also suggested, maybe a neutral third party designee would be the answer to some your problems. Please consider this before giving up a guaranteed income.

Pen and the Sword said...

Do what you gotta do to make yourself feel better, but be careful to not shoot yourself in the foot.

Anonymous said...

Listen to Pipe.


You know what's best you always do.
oh and btw, thank you for making our day..your nature is warming and gives us all positive vibes coming our way.

Annabel said...

I'm going to chime in and agree with Pipe Tobacco. I think you should take things more slowly right now. Work on the volunteering positions to occupy your time first and see if you can keep up with that before you commit to a regular job.

Come visit me and I'll put you to work!! Seriously, give the job thing some more thought before you jump in.

Este Loko said...


I hope you land into the job. I think you are such a generous person. May your higher power bless you.^^

Summer said...

Pipe has got it going on.

rabbit said...

Pipe is smart- and once your off the aid-money, it's hard hard to get back on it. are you still volunteering? it's friday- are you going to the hospital training? suggestion is to keep a steady volunteering schedual, prove to yourself your personal stick-to-it-ness, get in the habit of working and being around others, living for someone elses time rather than your own.


It's friday and it's going to be a new day for you!! Excited isn't it? :)

justLacey said...

Even I have to agree with pipe, though I normally don't. Those medical benefits will be hard to come by as well as the disability benefits. Earn a little extra on the side and it will accomplish all of your goals as well as the volunteering. I'm pulling for you.

Eric Valentine said...

I totally agree with pipe, however a thought did occur to me.

If your father has a measure of control re: disbursements of your funds, my thought would be if there is something there that would suggest he has a say in whether you are healthy enough to work? (control again)

Gee what a tangled web we have to deal with, if that is the case.

Good Luck Andrew.