Monday, October 22, 2007

Meandering Lives

There is a beauty to feeling well. No one knows this more than someone with a debilitating mental illness. I felt so lonely today, but so well. I managed to start with the Humane Society. I can be impetuous and implored the woman out there to put me to work. I was lonely and had nothing to do and it was raining. I spent all afternoon bleaching and cleaning the dog's water and food dishes. I washed and dried them and then stacked them up to air dry. I am starting to realize that this volunteer position is not going to be as involved as I had hoped. There is only so much to do. I am going to do what I can and will be out there at eight bright and early to give them a hand with the litter boxes and such.

I look forward to reading my favorite blogs. To see what Cheryl, Annabel, and other's days have been like. I thank you for commenting and some of you are making a big difference in the life of a lonely guy in Alabama. Thank you.


Cheryl said...

I have some pictures ready to put up, and now that I see you're coming over, I better get busy!

Annabel said...

I'm so proud of you! I'm sure it feels great to be useful. Thanks for sharing about your day.

Eric Valentine said...

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Eric Valentine said...

Don't worry yourself about the size of your appetite at the humane society, in time you may be surprise . :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew,
You keep up the good work...being a voluteer is important. I have been reading your blog and feel as if I know you. My sister has some of the same things going on in her life as you do.
You write beautifully and are helping others of us as you write and share.

Pen and the Sword said...

Thank you for sharing your life and times, Andrew. I enjoy reading your blogs very much and happy that you found something so wonderful to pass your days :o)

Josie Two Shoes said...

Hi Andrew! I was delighted to return home from my long weekend and find this great news in your blog. Andrew volunteering - YES! I know how much you love animals, and anything you can do to make their lives a little better is awesome! I will send you an email tonight, my friend, I am grateful that you are doing ok.

SOUL: said...

heya my brotha---- how cool that is to work with animals like that. not many people are willing to volunteer their time for such a job. i think it's great..for you and the animals. i bet you will grow to love it!
take care!

Martha said...

I think volunteering for the Humane Society means you're just a good, nice person. Good for you!

Golden To Silver Val said...

Andrew I'm so glad you are volunteering. It will give you such a wonderful feeling and people like you are needed so desperately. Always remember...those precious animals never judge you.

Kelly Jene said...

Maybe being a volunteer is just a start. I'm so glad you went in there and did what you could. Take care and have a great night!

Tee said...

Don't judge the job by the first day. Those furry friends need you. BTW, how is Maggie?

Anonymous Boxer said...

Oh, Andrew, don't you know what you bring to our lives?

Having worked with volunteers I can guarantee you one thing.... they will give as much work as you want to have. The first few days will be slow and then... watch out. They need you.

pattycakes said...

good for you andrew, everyone needs to feel that they are helpful to someone else . im sure you will grow to love your job soon. im happy for you . keep writing and sharing , no matter what it is about . have a good nite :)

KYRIE said...

Whn I am feeling down or lonely, I find comfort in reading my fav blogs too. It is like ur friend is telling u or sharing with u how her/his day went. I read ur blog everyday :).

BTW Are there any cute puppies in the shelter tht stole ur heart? I am a sucker for puppies!


Though it was raining, i thought that it was a good way to start with, trying to familiarize yourself with the basics before the more challenging tasks in there. I hope you have a good time at the Humane Society, kudos to you.^^

simonsays said...

I am so proud of you Andrew! That is hard work, and there are so few accolades involved. Seriously, that is awesome of you! I am smiling, way to go. :)

justLacey said...

I am so proud of you! I know this was really hard. Don't be discouraged, they are happy to have you and I am sure it will get more involved along the way. This was a great first step.

Kath said...

They may be starting you off slow. Once you've established yourself, it'll get more involved. There are always dogs to be walked, taught some manners (i.e. to sit, down, not jump up, walk nicely on a leash and such) and dogs and cats to be loved on and shown some attention and tenderness. Doing those things will go such a very long way in the adoptability of those homeless animals. Also, once you get your camera, maybe you could help take pictures of the dogs and help to list them online. Ask if they have a page on If they don't, getting that going for them would be a HUGE contribution. If they do, helping to keep it current would be incredibly helpful as well.

impromptublogger said...

ITA with what Kath said. It is ONLY your first day! They want to see first how well you work with the animals and others before they entrust you to more responsibility. Plus they want to make sure you are dependable.

I bet after a couple of weeks you will be doing a lot more of what you had in mind. But as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.

But know that no matter what you do there it DOES make a big difference.

Portia said...

How exciting! I hope your time at the Humane Society goes well, and I can't wait to hear about it. It may take some time to become comfortable there, but then I bet you'll be finding all kinds of things that need doing:)


You are respected my dear Mr. 4th!!

Claudia said...

you have alot of fans Andrew, and I think you make a big difference as well. Take care man!