Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Past Hike on the Rails

In anticipation of my new camera, here is a past hike on the rails I took last January. This brings back good memories.


Beautifully Profound said...

Nahhh, it wasn't boring you silly bastard. Trains are actually one of my favorite ways to travel actually. Beats the damn bus that's for sure. It was interesting nonetheless. Anyway when you get your new camera you could take some pictures of those run down old buildings? I have a fascination with them for some reason. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Take care Andrew.

CJM-R said...

It is interesting to hear your voice, now I can imagine it when I read your posts.

Take Care, Andrew...

Pen and the Sword said...

That was awesome. I have always been fond of trains myself having traveled to my home town on them at least twice a year for years. My sons (twin three-year-old boys) LOVE trains and really enjoyed your video :o) Thanks for sharing this.

johnandem said...

Andrew, so lovely to hear your voice! I had to have a peek though some of your other old vids, I really like your accent, could listen for hours!
Trains are no bore to me either as I grew up close to the tracks too, my three sisters and I would always be down there.
Im looking forward to seeing some more pics of the mill when that camera arrives.

abbagirl74 said...

It's always nice to hear your voice. I have missed it. I can't wait to see and hear more posts like this again.

PipeTobacco said...


I hope all is going well. Please remember the suggestion from me about moderation in all things leading to happiness.

In a nutshell, the "moderation" approach to life flies in the face of the all-or-nothing idea. You do not have to be all and all passed out drunk, neither do you have to be stone cold sober. You do not have to be all medicated up nor do you have to be sans medications. You do not have to be utterly under your father's thumb, nor do you have to be an isolated free spirit. You do not have to be forever tied to Rosa, but neither do you have to be a loner who engages in one-night stands.

What I am saying simply, is... please try to see you DO NOT have to be at the extreme ends of the spectrum of any of the ideas you have... life is not about 100% perfection nor 100% disaster. Most everything of everyday life is somewhere in the MIDDLE.

Please consider trying to SEEK the middle, just for a while at least. You can always return to the extreme ends if you find the middle dull as toast... but I suspect that if you spend some good, quality time in the middle, you will find it utterly comforting and paradoxically... also VERY FREEING as well.


krishna said...

Could you PLEASE tell me how to upload a youtube video on the blog. I have tried few things in the last 2 weeks (my life on the blog world) and have failed. Thanks


Armando said...

This is very cool. I just found your blog yesterday and its very inspiring. Im from Chile but now I live in Alabama, so Im getting used to many diferent things here, among others, and a good thing is there are fewer homeless ppl than in my country. In Santaigo is not dificult to find children begging for money in the trafic lights. Every christmas I like getting little gifts, like hootwheels cars or little dolls for the girls and surprice them whit a little gift instead of a coin. For the same date the Chile Post Office gather all letters sent to Santa Claus, mostly from poor children, and people can get them and send this children a gift.

but there I was wondering what do to steal a smile from someone.

I work driving a truck late hours, and I locate a homeless man that sleep under a church in Huntsville. I wont be generous just for Christmas, so I was thinking to get him a sleeping bag and a backpack, as nights are turning cooler here.

Well I hope its a good idea.

Great blog, great spirit, thank you.

Mohamed said...

a very interesting blog,,,good luck

mr zig said...

totally cool to hear your voice...

Barb said...

The voice component was a great hit with me. Your voice is soothing, and will make it easier to read your blog> I loved the train, and look forward to reading more about them.

Enjoy this day, making it the best ever!


Tee said...

Love the video, the trains and hearing our voice.

Grad007 said...

I enjoyed the video too. I guess you'll soon be taking lots of photos with your new camera. If I may make a request, I'd love to see some photos of the park by the cotton mill which you visit to often :)

C. R. Morris said...

Oh wow! NO!!! Not boring. I plan to watch it again and if you have any more videos to share, I would love to see them! Calling my little boy in here right now to see that train. He's going to be an engineer for Halloween. Thanks so much for sharing this!

C. R. Morris said...

OK then... I just had to watch that train pass about seven times. "Adin! Adin!" Joshua kept saying, "Choo choo!!!' Well, just wanted you to know that you've thrilled a 2 1/2 year old... now we have to go watch it again... and again... and again... and probably again..

Nikita1 said...

Very cool! great video and nice hearing the voice behind the writing!


I really enjoyed the train video..what a great idea!!!! I admire you for posting!! And you have a very soothing voice!