Sunday, January 27, 2008

Good Hope

Enough whining!  I am off to a 6 PM AA meeting in Lagrange, Georgia.  It is a long journey so should give me time to quietly think as I drive.  I will let you all know how the drive to vocational rehabilitation goes after lunch tomorrow.  Rosa and I are eating lunch at Red Lobster and then hitting the local bookstore for Model Railroading books and magazines as well.  I am excited to be able to take a day trip and get out of podunk for a change. 


justLacey said...

Sonds like a good time.

mosiacmind said...

hope that you have a good day


I love Red lobsters bread thingies they put good, it burns my tummy, but worth it!!
Good luck and blessed road trip!
Sorry to read about the Walmart Kiosk..

Tee said...

You could use the Red Lobster gift card we received for Christmas. We don't usually eat there, but I do like those herb biscuits. I could make a meal out of those and a salad. Did you see "Antiques Road Show"? They had a gentleman on there with a Lionel Blue Comet Model--it was worth about $8,000. The dining car had a removable top and you could see the to scale seats, tables, restroom toilet, smoking room and observation area.