Saturday, March 22, 2008

Overeater's Anonymous...

At this morning's AA meeting, I noticed on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall that they had Overeater's Anonymous meetings once a week.  Visions of large, lonely ladies came to mind that I had to push out of the way.  I am thinking of going to such meetings, but I don't look like your stereotypical OA meeting goer.  I am not very overweight.  I am male.  My eating disorder is hidden from the viewing world.  I rarely, if ever, talk about it in real life or on this blog.  I think I will try a meeting this week and see how it goes.  


PipeTobacco said...


Perhaps if you talked about your eating issue here it would be of help as well?


Mike said...


I'm glad you're becoming even more active in AA... congrats on 1/3 year sober! Please let us know how OA goes. I too am very secretive about my overeating. The only people who know are my therapist and blogging friends.

Take care!

BPD in OKC said...

I've been thinking about going to an Overeater's Anonymous meeting lately myself. I really need to go but haven't gotten up the courage to go. I'm probably more of the typical OA meeting goer.... overweight depressed woman

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

i know loads of people that go to OA. they look very 'normal' to me. they are usually suspiciously thin. rarely 'big'. bulimics look very normal, not skinny really. i think they generally advocate the grey sheet diet. which meand no sugar i think, and paying attention to th amounts by weighing. i think most people would benefit from cutting out sugar so i dont think itl do you any harm to show up. eating disorders are very common. and if you are unable to eat sugar moderately, then its better just to not bother. bt yeah it means altering the stuff you buy. lots of veg!
right gotta go!