Saturday, April 19, 2008

Aw, Sleep Tight Sweetheart!

It's been a tough dawg day.  They don't call them the dog days of summer for nothin'.  First, we started out on the couch.  Daddy would occasionally bark causing me to jump up and bark as well.  He thought it was funny.  Next, I ended up on the den floor nestling my pound puppy. That was uncomfortable. Finally, I decided to get on the big bed.  Daddy keeps taking pictures of me!  Let a dawg sleep, man!  It has been a tough day!


2sunset said...

Hi Andrew,
I havn't commented in awhile, just thought I'd say "hi".

These little four-legged furry people in our lives sure soften our hearts don't they!
: )


justLacey said...

Oh Maggie, cut your dad some slack. He really adores you and has made us love you as well. Enjoy your nap and your sticks little girl and take good care of your daddy.

Cheryl said...

Hi Andrew,

I was 8 posts behind! And I have about 89 posts in Reader to catch up to. It's just not going to happen.

Check your mailbox, OK? Just in case someone sent you something...

Sleep tight!

shinyruby2 said...

aww i love yr dog! hehe