Monday, April 28, 2008

Computing Woes...

I had to go into work early today.  I got several frantic messages on my answering machine this morning:

The computers are down.  We need you!!!

I called our always helpful tech support and they walked me through getting all the computers back up.  I was very satisfied at having been so helpful.  I felt like I was pulling my weight at work.

"How did you learn all this computer stuff?" Betty asked me as I was getting a Coca-Cola.

"It just comes natural to me," I replied. "Always has."

Dad handed me a ten dollar bill as I was walking out of the store.

"I am trusting you not to drink," he said. "Go get you some lunch."

I headed straight up the road to Chuck's Barbeque and ate a barbeque pork plate with slaw and potato salad.  It was one of the most satisfying meals I've had in ages.  And I didn't drink on the money -- for that I am very proud.


Summer said...

I knew you wouldn't!
That lunch sounds devine.

Jessica said...

Yay! Sounds like you are having a great Monday. :)

impromptublogger said...

Good for you! A well-earned meal tastes twice as good as normal!

Have a great day - up here in MD we are having a cold rainy day.

Judy said...

That is great. You ARE trustworthy!

Katie said...

Well done, I normally only read via feeds, but for today I had to come over and say well done, and keep it up!

CJM-R said...

You are a man of many talents! It must have felt so good to help them out with the computers.

Lunch sounded wonderful...

Maggie is so cute on those pillows!!


mosiacmind said...

I am so happy for you for your dad trusting you with some money. The lunch you had sounds so goood! I am heating up some scalloped potatoes which smell so good as they are heatinng up
I hope that you can be proud of yourself for being able to help at work with the computer system I hope that you have a good rest of the day.

Kevin said...

sounds like the makings of a very good day Andrew!

Tee said...

That is great--they NEED you! When you are technically challenged we NEED guys like you that can fix a computer. I know they appreciated your expertise. As for your blog, it's not boring and it's certainly NOT dead. Keep on blawing!!! LOL!

justLacey said...

I bet you feel really good after that. Seems everyone is begining to realize how great you are. I love bar-b-que!