Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wage Slavery...

We had a real treat at work when I had arrived.  My father had bought a big bag of chipped pork barbecue sandwiches from Chuck's barbeque up the road.  I greedily tore into two sandwiches in my office after I shut the door. I don't get to eat barbecue often and it is one of my favorites. 

Been reading the Hobopoet blog.  I have a hard time reconciling my own views of work with the author's.  The author's view being that work is a form of wage slavery.  Maybe I am deluded, but I enjoy work.  I enjoy the structure and routine it gives to life.  I am one of those people who needs a reason to get out of bed and to shower.  It doesn't come easy to me.  There is just this great feeling of satisfaction and pride over being able to do a good job and to be apart of a team.  I guess I would probably think differently if I had taken that job at McDonald's or worked for Wal-Mart.   


Smocha said...

I'm happy to hear that your job is working out so well for you.

M said...

i think work is what you want it to be. i think in america we make more of it than we should and we can become wage slaves but it is about choice and attitude. i enjoy work, not the politics at work, but the actual act of working. even if i were independently wealthy i would have to have some sort of job.