Sunday, May 25, 2008

Single Male, 36...

Single male, 36.  I have a stable job, but don't have any money.  Divorced, I carry some baggage.  Mentally fit these days despite a storied past.   Once was a lush, but have been sober over half a year.  One furkid who is my life.  Enjoy walks on the beach and lots of trains.  Did I say I liked trains?   Looking for someone in recovery.  Single.  Preferably no kids.  An interest in computer games is a big bonus, but not a deal breaker.  I like the demure sexy librarian type.  You can read me to sleep at night.

And you see why I don't put up singles ads on the Internet! Hah! Most dating ads are overly dishonest anyway.  There is actually a dating service for mentally ill people.  I never had any luck with it.  Just search for "No Longer Lonely" in Google.  From my forays with the service, it seems most adult mentally ill people are still living with their parents.  I am not far removed from it myself.    


Cheryl said...

You'd probably be surprised by how many woman would answer your ad, but they'd probably be fabricating their profiles. There's lots of success stories, but I think they're the exceptions.

I was up at 4:15. Once I'm up, I'm up. Way too early.

Any plans for the day? I have no clue what I'm doing.

M said...

i am a librarian type but i usually fall asleep when i am reading aloud.

justLacey said...

I like the honesty of your ad. The fact that some mentally ill people are still living with their parents shouldn't put you off. I think you can see the necessity for some and you might make some friends if not a "girlfriend". It helps to have something in common with your friends and you have listed what you like. Can't wait to hear what happens.

Annabel said...

I tried the whole online dating thing and won't do it any more because such dishonesty in the ads. It is refreshing to see honesty and that is one reason why I enjoy your blog so much. You don't hide who you are.

It's just me... said...

I dunno, A. I think it's a pretty good ad. I'd date you...except I already have an abundance of boys y'know. For the record, I met both Justin and M online.

forsythia said...

That's about the sweetest, most honest ad I've ever read in all my born days. I'm glad you didn't say that you love "walks in the rain." So many ISO ads mention walks in the rain that you gotta wonder why you almost never see couples out there strollin' in the rain. :-)