Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sit Down, Shut Up, and Listen...

That is what I was told at a noon AA meeting by an elderly old timer.  He was right.  I run my mouth too much and need to listen more.  One thing I will say about alcoholics in AA is that they are brutally blunt and honest.   I am a sensitive soul, though, and it hurt my feelings.  I mumbled the serenity prayer and got to feeling better about the whole affair. 


justLacey said...

Wow that seems harsh, good way to handle it though.

Ralph & Donna said...

Takes a big man to admit he was wrong, take his licks and drop it. Good for you, very admirable. I have a lot more respect for someone who does that and moves on than one who can't admit it and tries to lay the blame on everyone else and gets bitter. Best to you, Ralph

mosiacmind said...

It was hard for me and would still be if someone said that to me...way to go for handling it so well. I have found myself trying to when things like that happen or if I start to freak out that I try to pray and try not to freak out...just as an little example I was starting to freak out because I could not find my cane! I kept myself calm and went back to the places I had been while unloading the groceries and found it and had stayed calm and thanked God for helping me not to freak out.I have been having enough freak outs this past week! I hope that your stomach does not hurt from all of the KK doughnuts..i would most likely eat them all also but not sure if they would stay down if you know what I mean probably tmi about myself. I feel comfortable though on your blog and mine and a couple others to be who I am even the not so great glimpses into my life.

Portia said...

Well, I agree with Ralph & Donna, although I could have been in tears myself if someone said that to me on the wrong day. I'm glad you were able to move on.
I hope you have a good evening:)

SOUL: said...

you did handle that well. proud of you.

you know, they don't mean to be that way-- but sometimes it's better to be that way than baby certain people. tough love ya know? it does work.

hope you're havin a good day :))

Gary Hammontree said...

I am an alcoholic also. Three years sober, out ten years, back in AA and sober three days. I too am a writer and I certainly do appreciate your writing.

You are a wonderful storyteller, a very good writer and extremely adept at telling your version of the world. Keep it up. It is the best therapy in the world. I enjoy the fact that when I am writing, I can be anyone or anything that I am writing about. Whether I am writing a short story about a woman or a dog ( I have done each) to have a voice, to be able to portray someone or something else, one must become that person or thing. That is the magic of writing. Again, keep it up. God bless you and work it ti; it works.

Gary Hammontree said...

Oops. Sorry for the typo. My finger always hits that semicolon when I reach for the L. I am the world's worst typist. A pain for a writer.

Brad said...

You know, I often need to be told to shut up and listen. I figure if people care enough to tell me that I should take their advice.

Ryan. said...

You did better than I would have done. The phrase "I don't care" makes me want to practise my ju-jitsu throws on the person who said it!

M said...

I hope that this was said with some sort of good intention. He could have used better words!

I have been told that I am thin skinned which I am not so sure I agree with! As I have gotten older, I have tried to let more things bounce off of me.
I realize that people can be as polite as sunshine but still be mean hearted. So, I assume the flip side too: that people can be rude but underneath have a good heart.

Manifesting Mini Me (MMM) said...

I don't have much admiration for those who express themselves without forethought or grace. For the man that scolded you, I would invite him to consider approaching you with the truth - something more like, "I know you're not aware of this, but I'm really impatient and irritated right now and don't have a lot of faith to be around other people who are expressive." Wouldn't that make it easier for others to respond with openness and sensitivity? I think so......Good job on your response and for not getting ensnared by his grumpiness!