Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Errand of Mercy...

The last time I got a haircut was August of '07. My family rallied around me today in an intervention of sorts. You see, I have this terrible phobia about getting my haircut.

"I'll give you two of your Klonopin tonight if you get your haircut," Dad said bribing me.

Charlie was waiting in my father's bathroom with a chair, scissors, and towels.

Afterwards, Dad washed my hair and helped me to get to looking better. He then made me shave my neck, sideburns, and mustache. I felt like a better and newer man afterwards.

Now, I am going to enjoy those two Klonopin with a night of armchair model railroading.


impromptublogger said...

I'm glad you were able to get your hair cut. Do you know why you're so phobic of it - some childhood trauma?


awww, clean cut hair! Did Maggie look at you strangely when you returned home?
:)happy klonopin dreams!!

Whenever I take one I think of you--in a good way of course!! --


Me said...

Nothing peps me up like a hair cut, glad yours made you feel better too.

I bet you look fab.... Can we see?

Leann said...

Wow Andrew. I'll bet you were looking like something of a mountain man :-) It's always feels so nice to be all spiffed up.

Eric said...

Sounds like you had a great evening planned.

Judy said...

I wish you would have taken before and after pictures. I had pictured you with short hair all along.

glittermom said...

When do we get to see a recent picture of you? You look like a handsome boy in the picture on there now..

Ryan said...

I had my hair cut for the first time in a while on Saturday, and had a shave. I felt new too.

Cheryl said...

I'd love to see an updated picture!

(M)ary said...

I am glad they rally around you! I think you look handsome with the short hair. answer your twitter question about camping in the backyard...sounds good as long you have some wool socks.

Kelly Jene said...

It's always nice to have a makeover of sorts. It's good for the soul!

Rich said...

Hey Dude, enjoy the klonopin - nothing like watching the train go by with a buzz.

Karin's Korner said...

Hey is Wednesday...starting to get worried about you.


how is our andrew? :)


Chandira said...

:-) I'm badly in need of a haircut too. I just never manage to find the time to go get it done.

Yes! Let's have a photo.

Did you sleep outside the other night?

Marsha said...

Rich, you're an idiot.

You ALL should be encouraging Andrew to get his haircut because he needs it, NOT because he'll be given more drugs. His father is a control freak and is keeping him under control with purse strings and a pill bottle!!

HELLO PEOPLE. He has an ADDICTIVE personality. It's called a clue. GET ONE. You don't encourage someone with PILLS.

You all are enablers! By NOT saying anything, you are telling him it's ok! I know I sound harsh but SOMEONE has to take up for Andrew if he can't or won't! You have no clue how much I wish I was standing in front of his father right now. Andrew needs help...not more pills.


GivnN2Temptation said...

I get K's and I don't even feel like they do anything for me other than make me sleepy the next day. Are they calming for you? What's your dose? I'm just wondering because they just don't feel like they work for me at all..