Saturday, May 30, 2009


Maggie likes to bark.  Maggie has a lot of free time on her hands.  This leads us to a not very fun combination for my back neighbors.  Especially when Maggie gets the barkies at 4 AM on a Sunday morning.

Last night as I was preparing to go to bed and I was remiss in locking Maggie's dog door.  I was awakened at 3 AM last night to what sounded like a dog pound in my backyard.  Bark! Bark! Bark!

"Maggie, shuddap and get your ass in the bed!" I hollered to little avail. 

I had to walk out and entice Maggie back in with an oatmeal creme pie.  Like her father, she has a terrible sweet tooth.  

Another great tool for coercing Maggie into minding is real fried bacon.  Fry up a slab, crumble it, and it will last for days.  This was the only real way I could teach Maggie to come when called dutifully. 


jane said...

honey, you can coerce me any day of the week with 'REAL FRIED BACON'!!!

xx happy to see you back

This IS The Fun Part! said...

Oh. My. God! You, Andrew, have somehow managed to unearth the deepest, darkest secret of the females of the world! (Even Jane agrees with me.) Oatmeal creme pies and crisp fried bacon will get us every time! Please, dear sir, keep this secret to yourself!

Happy Sunday!!

justLacey said...

I am weak for bacon as well. Fry me up some.

(M)ary said...

OMG! That sounds like me and Simon Sir Poopalot (my beagle). My neighbors had a party last night and I heard the last folks leaving around 1am...then at 5am my dog is out back doing his business which always seems to end with a bark fest. I throw one treat on the patio and call his name then I stand at the door with the other treat enticing him inside.

glittermom said...

I would say Maggie has you trained well...

impromptublogger said...

We've mostly trained Max not to do that at 5 am but occasionally he will get a little carried away.

However, if we're upstairs and he's alone he gets indignant and starts barking. Sometimes because he wants us to get him, and other times he forgets we're still home!

impromptublogger said...

We've mostly trained Max not to do that at 5 am but occasionally he will get a little carried away.

However, if we're upstairs and he's alone he gets indignant and starts barking. Sometimes because he wants us to get him, and other times he forgets we're still home!

Leann said...

Fried bacon and creme pie.....yep, you could entice me just about anywhere with that :-)

Tee said...

Glad you were a good neighbor and got her inside, even if it meant the bribe with the bacon and creme pie. There's nothing worse than a barking dog. I do love the fur babies, but let's keep them quiet and not allow them to bark. :-)

Seth Martin Ward said...

I'd obey for bacon. I could go for a good blt right about now....alittle mayo on some rye....damn. Got to go. Need to see what's in the frige! :D

Barbara(aka Layla) said...

She sounds like a very smart dog to me :)