Saturday, May 02, 2009

Ho Hum, why do I even write this?

The excitement in my life today is a threat for thunderstorms.  It will give me something to look forward to today. 

More shenanigans with mom today.  She acted ugly to me about waking her up to get my cokes.  "Screw your cokes," I told her and drove home.  No time apparently is a good time to do that.  She sleeps around the clock.

George got fired this morning.  I was getting my coffee and pastries when it all went down.  I walked out and George was sitting in his car.

"I'm going on one hell of a bender today," he told me. "Do you want to come?"

My feeble alcoholic brain was very tempted for a moment there.

"It would probably be the end of me," I told George. 


Lena said...

You write because we we care about what is going on in your life.

It must be hard when you see your mom sleeping all day and there is no good time to see her.

Glad you were not tempted by George. What do you think will happen to him now?

Kathy said...

You also write because it is good therapy; a catharsis.
Forgive your mom; she is ill as is George. You are strong to have averted his 'bender' -- poor George is hell bent on self destruction.

Diana said...

You are stronger than you think! I'm so glad you have your head on straight. Your mom is sick. It is hard to deal with the ups and downs of such. Enjoy the good times. Be strong for you. You are doing well!

The Middle Aged Woman said...

Hey Sweets. I was thinking this morning that the highlight of my day is what I will fix for dinner.'s me, Summer.

Seth Martin Ward said...

Drew, I think you write for me:D Because reading your work is like a little show/movie/play that I can check in on and see what's going on.....that sounds perverse....hell it is perverse, but.....I hope you don't mind!:D Sorry about your mom.....I haven't spoken to my mother since the summer of '95 and doubt I ever will again.....I learned a long time ago that family can be the biggest hindrance to you....I'm just saying.....

Moonroot said...

Well I'm glad you write it because I love the little vignettes of your life. You write so well that even the day to day stuff is interesting.

And well done on turning George down!

becomingkate said...

I'm sorry that your mom is sick. I hope she apologizes when she does things like that.

Jami said...

Andrew ... just want you to know I'm so glad you write your blog.