Monday, February 01, 2010

Emotional Basket Case…

You may have noticed a lot of photos on the blog lately.  Well, mom and I went to the bookstore, and I got a Dummies for Digital Photography.  And a Dummies for Photoshop cs3.  It has reignited my zest for photography.

Last night, I told dad I am emotionally fragile; that I couldn’t take any shit out of him.  I can be an emotional basket case around the time of my injection and it is Tuesday. 

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I forgot.”

All was forgiven and we are cool again.  He held my hand the whole time he was here to give me my nightly medications.

George called me this morning and he is chomping at the bit for me to come and hook up his computer.

“I got the nicest one Wal-Mart offered,” he said.

Today, the cable company also comes to hook up his cable Internet.  I am so excited for him.  It is going to open up a whole new world to George and Mrs. Florene.  


Jennlm said...

Wouldn't that be great if you got george a blog??

I have wanted to pick up those same For Dummies books. How are they to read? I was worried they would be so boring I wouldn't be able to get into them.

Andrew said...


It certainly would be interesting if George blogging, but I don't think he can type! LOL

The books are interesting for the layman if you are interested in the subject at hand. There were a lot of books on photography to choose from, but they seemed too complicated.

Sharyna said...

Yes, George can at least leave comments on your blog. He can hunt and peck with his one finger.

Andrew said...


I don't think I will share the blog with George. He probably wouldn't like me talking about him and the stories I wrote in the old days at the shopping center.

This IS The Fun Part! said...

What a nice gesture for dad to say, "I'm sorry." That means a lot, I know. I know just how much his support means to you.

Have fun opening the world wide web up for George and Mrs. Florene. You may start feeling like a mother hen watching her babies leave the nest! It may be a whole new experience for ya!

I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend.


Andrew said...


I want to teach Mrs. Florene how to email her neices and nephews. And also how to look up recipes. I hope George just doesn't use a $1500 computer to play poker! LOL

kristi said...

Yes, good idea to NOT share your blog, been there done that!

Andrew said...

Kristi! Good Advice! I will heed it!

Anonymous said...

i am glad that george got a computer. i am glad that you talked to your dad and he seemed receptive. things can be tough when it is close to your time to take your shot. be extra kind to yourself today friend. liz

Joy Heather said...

I am so pleased that you and your Dad are reconciled...we all have these blips dont we, and you will feel better come Tuesday...It will be great for George to get his computer up and running and give him a new interest, ..something else you can share..Have you got a wenb Cam ? i use mine to talk to Family/ friends all the time..its something else you could share with George.

Marsha said...

Can they not give you the shot early? Seems odd to me that they make you suffer the last few days, just to wait exactly two weeks.

justLacey said...

Ik am excited for George and you.