Sunday, July 12, 2015

Hide and Seek…

number-9I’ve been playing hide and seek from the phone all afternoon.  For a person with social anxiety and phone phobias, I certainly get a lot of phone calls. It’s miraculous I even answer the phone.

I just got off the phone with my mother telling her it was imperative that she didn’t drive anywhere – that the weather is going to get bad.  Charlie was also just here with my medications. I told him the same thing.

“Is is really going to start raining in 30 minutes?” he asked me looking incredulous.

I told him to hurry up and hurry home. It was going to get stormy.

I think Laura just tried to call me, but I am gun-shy tonight – pleasantly ensconced in my medication ritual.  One more hour and I will be floating on cloud 9.

My sister brought me six nice, new shirts from Dillard’s for my “date”.  I was elated.  Time is starting to heal those old terrible wounds I inflicted upon my family years ago. Maggie also enjoyed the kids being over.  Maggie was so patient with them considering she’s only been around kids a handful of times in her life.

Photo Credit:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrew, That was so very sweet of your sister!! Have fun on your date and don't be nervous :D Terri